J. Lee Grady

  • How Jesus Is Revealed in Every Book of the Bible

    How Jesus Is Revealed in Every Book of the Bible

    I was filled with the Holy Spirit three weeks before I went to college, and I immediately became a serious student of the Bible. I remember waking up early and reading Scripture at my tiny desk in my dorm before my roommate woke up. My hunger for God’s Word became insatiable, and my studies laid

  • Use Psalm 46 As a Weapon as You Pray for Ukraine

    Use Psalm 46 As a Weapon as You Pray for Ukraine

    My new friend Serhii Pantonenko doesn’t speak much English, but when he shared his story with me last weekend I could understand his pain. Like so many other Ukrainian refugees who have come to the United States in recent months, Serhii is weighed down by despair. “When the war started we realized that our religious

  • What Would Jesus Say About Today’s Retail Theft Epidemic?

    What Would Jesus Say About Today’s Retail Theft Epidemic?

    You’ve probably seen the videos of thieves filling trash bags with stolen merchandise from CVS or walking out of Home Depot or Wal-Mart with armloads of tools, laptops, detergent and athletic shoes they didn’t pay for. We used to call this shoplifting, and it was a crime. Today, it’s known as “inventory shrinkage”—and it costs

  • Leave Your Entitlement at Home When Heading to the Mission Field

    Leave Your Entitlement at Home When Heading to the Mission Field

    I’m currently on my 29th mission trip to Africa. In fact, I’m sending this column from Malawi, a country that has become very dear to my heart. Since I surrendered to a call to missions while I was editor of Charisma, I’ve visited 39 nations and developed relationships with dozens of pastors and leaders who

  • A Global Movement of Radical Young Adults Is Emerging

    A Global Movement of Radical Young Adults Is Emerging

    Last week I arrived in Zanzibar, off the coast of Tanzania, to train some missionaries and to speak in a few meetings before heading to the mainland. I knew that Zanzibar was predominantly Muslim, and that in the past Christians there have suffered from persecution. I didn’t know that this beautiful island, now a vacation

  • Why Do Some People Hate the Movie ‘Sound of Freedom’?

    Why Do Some People Hate the Movie ‘Sound of Freedom’?

    If the new hit movie “Sound of Freedom” had been released a few years ago, the mainstream media would have praised it—and Hollywood probably would have given it a few Oscars. But times have changed. Something has shifted in our culture. In today’s up-is-down, right-is-wrong world, a movie that exposes the evils of child sex

  • Stop Limiting the Flow of Holy Spirit’s Oil

    Stop Limiting the Flow of Holy Spirit’s Oil

    A few years ago the Lord challenged me about my level of spiritual hunger. He showed me that even though I had repeatedly sung the words, “Lord, I want more of You,” I wasn’t as passionate for Him as I thought I was. My church sponsored a conference about the Holy Spirit. At the close

  • America Has Gone Insane When It Comes to Gender Laws

    America Has Gone Insane When It Comes to Gender Laws

    I love my country. But many of my foreign friends now ask me regularly, “What’s going on with the United States?” They are baffled. They are also losing respect for America because a growing number of our leaders have made drastic shifts when it comes to moral values—particularly in the area of sexuality and gender.

  • God Will Fulfill His Promises, But You Must Learn to Wait

    God Will Fulfill His Promises, But You Must Learn to Wait

    The Bible is full of stories of men and women who waited and waited for God’s promises to be fulfilled. Abraham and Sarah waited 25 years for Isaac’s birth. Hannah endured years of barrenness waiting for her baby. David spent years in the wilderness before he became king. God calls each of us to join

  • Stop Weaponizing Scripture to Silence Women Who Are Called by God

    Stop Weaponizing Scripture to Silence Women Who Are Called by God

    At a conference in Colorado several years ago, a well-known female Bible teacher stood at the pulpit and gave a challenging sermon about prayer. I had read some of this woman’s books so I was looking forward to hearing her message. Most of the people in the audience responded with amens and nods of approval

  • Rick Warren, Southern Baptists and the Firestorm Over Women Pastors

    Rick Warren, Southern Baptists and the Firestorm Over Women Pastors

    Rick Warren is one of the most influential pastors in this country. His book “The Purpose Driven Life” is known as the best-selling nonfiction book of all time, with 50 million copies published. The congregation he has led for 42 years, Saddleback Church, has more than 30,000 members in 14 locations in southern California. But

  • Don’t Let Satan’s Mind Games Discourage You

    Don’t Let Satan’s Mind Games Discourage You

    Many of my friends are walking through tough circumstances right now. One man’s business has failed. Another man is experiencing chronic pain, and doctors can’t find a medical solution. Another is battling an addiction. One married couple I know is struggling with infertility. And several friends are feeling they have failed as parents because their

  • God Promises to Send His Latter Rain

    God Promises to Send His Latter Rain

    Last November I traveled to central Oregon to preach at Eastside Church, a Foursquare congregation led by a pastor named Brian Carmack. While I was there for a weekend of ministry, the Lord gave me Isaiah 44:3 as a promise to share with the church. It says: “For I will pour water on the thirsty

  • Why Pentecost Will Make You Louder

    Why Pentecost Will Make You Louder

    The global church will celebrate Pentecost this Sunday, May 28. We usually emphasize spiritual gifts when we talk about Pentecost, or we focus on the sensory experience of the Spirit’s presence. I know the Spirit’s gifts are important, and I love the feelings, too. But we shouldn’t minimize the fact that the Holy Spirit’s infilling

  • 10 Days of Pentecost 2023: This Pentecost, Welcome All of Holy Spirit’s Gifts

    A few years ago I was invited to speak at a conference in California. During one of my messages, the Lord showed me that a woman in the auditorium was struggling with infertility. When I made the announcement, a young woman in the back of the room burst into tears. I didn’t know this woman

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