J. Lee Grady

  • A Prophetic Word in This Dark Season: God Offers Fresh Hope

    A Prophetic Word in This Dark Season: God Offers Fresh Hope

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 41 Seconds I know so many people right now who are dealing with loss. One woman from Alabama, Sharlene, lost her husband in late 2021. The same year, my friend Abdiel lost his mother to COVID. Another friend’s daughter has walked away from God. A young married couple I know had

  • All the Pastors I Admire Share These Qualities

    All the Pastors I Admire Share These Qualities

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 31 Seconds I’ve never been a member of Pastor Ed Russo’s church in Wesley Chapel, Florida, but I’ve watched his ministry for years, and he has become a trusted mentor. While I was visiting him this week, my appreciation for him grew as I observed how New Life Church is thriving.

  • Lee Grady: Why I Slept Good During the Pandemic

    Lee Grady: Why I Slept Good During the Pandemic

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 44 Seconds The last two-and-a-half years have been incredibly stressful for everybody. People lost sleep because of the pandemic—and because of so many other worries: inflation, racial tensions, the border crisis, the war in Ukraine and threats from China. The anxiety level escalated as conspiracy theories spread faster than the COVID

  • Don’t Underestimate the Power of the Seeds You Sow

    Don’t Underestimate the Power of the Seeds You Sow

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 11 Seconds When I was seven years old, my father took me to a Billy Graham crusade held in Montgomery, Alabama, at the Cramton Bowl, the site of the prestigious Blue-Gray football classic. It was 1965. I don’t remember much of what Billy Graham said. What I remember vividly is that

  • Brother Andrew Was My Hero

    Brother Andrew Was My Hero

    When Andrew van der Bijl was a young man, doctors told him he was “too weak to travel” because of his chronic back pain. That advice seems absurd now, when we look back on the life of this legendary evangelist who came to be known as “Brother Andrew.” After he started smuggling Bibles to communist

  • An Unborn Baby’s Heart Is Beating—Stop Denying It

    An Unborn Baby’s Heart Is Beating—Stop Denying It

    Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams turned heads last week in Atlanta when she defiantly announced during a political event that an unborn baby doesn’t have a heartbeat at six weeks gestation. “There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks,” said Abrams, who is running on the Democratic ticket. “It is a manufactured

  • Don’t Let the Gift of Prophecy Get Weird

    Don’t Let the Gift of Prophecy Get Weird

    When I was in college, a visiting minister regularly came to preach at our on-campus Christian meetings. At the end of his sermons he would often point at someone in the room, smile and say something like, “You in the blue shirt, I believe the Lord has a word of encouragement for you.” Then he

  • 7 Reasons You Must Defeat the Porn Monster

    7 Reasons You Must Defeat the Porn Monster

    This past weekend during a men’s conference in California, I challenged the audience to get honest about their struggle to stay sexually pure. So many Christian men are losing the battle with pornography, and that’s why many of the guys came to the stage last Saturday. They wanted to pull the plug on a habit

  • 3 Truths That Will Transform an Abusive Marriage

    3 Truths That Will Transform an Abusive Marriage

    The Democratic Republic of Congo has the dubious distinction of being the rape capital of the world. Statistics show that almost 40% of women in eastern Congo have been victims of sexual violence because rape has been used as a weapon of war by soldiers. So, I wasn’t surprised to learn that multiple women who

  • Beware of the Dangers of ‘Christian Deconstruction’

    Beware of the Dangers of ‘Christian Deconstruction’

    We live in a time of seismic, social upheaval, and the shaking has triggered a trend known as “deconstruction” among Christians, especially in Western countries. You may not have heard the term, but it’s everywhere. People are questioning everything—including the church, spiritual leaders, traditional morality and the core doctrines of Christian faith. Deconstruction made headlines

  • Stop Listening to the Voice of Condemnation

    Stop Listening to the Voice of Condemnation

    I have a friend who is a gifted worship leader, a loving husband and an affectionate father. He’s funny, smart, passionate about his faith and wholeheartedly committed to his church. People who know him say he’s a model Christian. But underneath this joyful exterior is a lot of pain. He struggles with depression, and then he

  • How Do You Leave a Church That Becomes Toxic?

    How Do You Leave a Church That Becomes Toxic?

    Two weeks ago, I shared several practical guidelines on how to leave a church gracefully. I wrote this because I hear so many stories about people storming out of churches because their feelings got hurt. But one astute reader didn’t appreciate my observations because I didn’t mention the fact that some churches manipulate, control or

  • God’s Holy Interruption Is Coming Soon

    God’s Holy Interruption Is Coming Soon

    This past weekend I preached at The Roads Church, a charismatic congregation located in the tiny town of Norris City, Illinois. Located amid cornfields, the population is only 1,325, but almost that many people visit the church on weekends. They come from all over southern Illinois and Indiana, some driving an hour because the Holy

  • There’s a Right Way and a Wrong Way to Leave a Church

    There’s a Right Way and a Wrong Way to Leave a Church

    This pandemic season hasn’t been easy—but pastors have suffered in unique ways. Statistics show that between 20-30% of churchgoers stopped attending in 2020, and the bulk of those people have not returned. In many cases, they never said goodbye. Many of my best friends are pastors, and they have told me many sad accounts of

  • 6 People You Should Never Allow in Leadership

    6 People You Should Never Allow in Leadership

    For more than 2,000 years the church has survived wars, persecution, heresies, tyrants, charlatans, false prophets, swindlers and divisive rebels. Satan has attacked the church from outside and infiltrated it from within, yet Christianity is growing faster in some parts of the world than at any time in human history. But that doesn’t mean the

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