Francis Frangipane

  • God’s Love or Our Anger?

    God’s Love or Our Anger?

    It's hard to remember a time when people were more angry. A civilized person ought to be, first of all, civil. Yet today there is no discourse, no respect for another's opinion, no reasoning together for the common good. I am concerned, especially for the church. One may argue: "Our society is decaying. We should…

  • Lord, Teach Us Your Ways

    Lord, Teach Us Your Ways

    Mount Horeb, where first Moses and later the prophet Elijah sought refuge during times of persecution in their lives, was not what it appeared to be. Though forbidding and barren, as the name “Horeb” (“desolation”) implies, it actually came to symbolize that season in a person’s life during which a desolate soul could find the…

  • Let God Make Your Dark Place Enjoyable

    Let God Make Your Dark Place Enjoyable

    I have discovered that as we seek the Lord our most difficult periods can be transformed into wonderful breakthroughs into God’s love. For me, one such season occurred during the years 1979 to 1981. The association of churches with which I was aligned had fallen under spiritual deception. Not only were its core doctrines increasingly

  • All We Need Is Jesus

    All We Need Is Jesus

    We have instructed the church in nearly everything but becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. We have filled the people with doctrines instead of deity; we have given them manuals instead of Emmanuel. It is not difficult to recognize someone from Pentecostal, Baptist or other traditional church backgrounds. Nearly every congregation seems to develop a particular…

  • Is Your Heart Open Toward God?

    Is Your Heart Open Toward God?

    Is the door of your heart open toward God? Can the Spirit of Jesus Christ come in and speak with you? Are you defenseless to His voice? Can you sense both His pleasure and His displeasure? For us to become sensitive to divine realities, we must live with the door of our hearts open. It

  • Francis Frangipane: The Key to Revival

    Francis Frangipane: The Key to Revival

    In his latest book, When the Many Are One, best-selling author Francis Frangipane issues a call for unity among believers. Though similar pleas have been made ever since Jesus' famous prayer, the Iowa pastor finds a unique way to demonstrate how every Christian—whether traditional, evangelical, Pentecostal, or Charismatic—can be a part of a united house of…

  • The Day the Lord Has Made

    The Day the Lord Has Made

    At any given moment there exists, at the doorway to the future, two possible realities. The first realm is a darkened world full of the consequences of sin. Its ongoing rebellion toward God, coupled with the unredeemed events of the past, makes this reality a living extension of hell. Here, conflicts escalate into wars and…

  • Gear Up for War

    Gear Up for War

    If we succeed in these difficult days it will be, in part, because we have renounced the seductive limitations that accompany a peacetime mentality. Indeed, we must embrace an aspect of spirituality that is unfamiliar to many Christians—one that is both militant and vigilant toward evil, yet compelled by the purity and fire of Christ’s

  • What to Do When a Shepherd Falls

    What to Do When a Shepherd Falls

    Few things are more devastating than the failure of a church leader we trust. Here’s how you can rise above the dissapointment. Not many things are more devastating than when someone in authority—someone we trust—betrays our trust and chooses sin. It’s natural for us to be wounded in such situations. But unless we deal with

  • When A Mother’s Prayer Ignites Revival

    When A Mother’s Prayer Ignites Revival

    In the past, God has used women in unique ways to spearhead a move of His Spirit. It's time to ask Him to do it again.WHEN THE LORD CREATED HUMANKIND, He placed unique graces in man and in woman. Although I want to encourage women to move freely within the order established in their local…

  • Why You Must Kill Your Ambitions

    Why You Must Kill Your Ambitions

    Spiritual fulfillment begins when we lay down selfish motives to pursue the heart of God. When I first came to Christ, the Lord gave me a dream about my future. I was so excited! I thought everything He showed me in the dream would occur immediately. I didn’t know I would have to go through

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