Francis Frangipane

  • Francis Frangipane: How You Can Move Away From the World and Into True Holiness

    Francis Frangipane: How You Can Move Away From the World and Into True Holiness

    What could be more important than finding God? Take a day, a week or a month and do nothing but seek Him, persisting until you find Him. He has promised, “You shall seek Me and find Me, when you shall search for Me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:13). If we truly find Him, no

  • Why Christians Desperately Need to Stop Chasing an Experience

    Why Christians Desperately Need to Stop Chasing an Experience

    If we truly find Him, no one will have to tell us to be humble. No one need convince us our old natures are as filthy rags. As we truly find God, the things that are so highly esteemed among men will become detestable in our sight (Luke 16:15). What could be more important than

  • Many Christians Recoil at This Word—But You Can’t Love God Without It

    Many Christians Recoil at This Word—But You Can’t Love God Without It

    Do not despise repentance. Every season of significant spiritual growth in your walk with God will be precipitated by a time of deep repentance. If, however, you recoil at the word repentance, it is because you do not want to change. You need to know the importance of repentance. When the thought of repentance is

  • The Holy Spirit’s Antidote for Hidden Hypocrisy

    The Holy Spirit’s Antidote for Hidden Hypocrisy

    The holiness we are seeking goes much deeper than merely cleaning the outside of our cup (Luke 11:39). We are not seeking an antidote that deals with the effects but not the cause of our human condition. We are seeking the living God, for true holiness does not come from following rules; it comes from

  • Why We Need Desperate Prayers

    Why We Need Desperate Prayers

    Our nation is suffering from a social and moral collapse. If we have ever needed God’s anointing, it is now, but where are God’s elect? Is there no one divinely empowered to fell the Goliaths of our age? Perhaps we need only look in our bathroom mirrors. If you believe in Jesus and are desperate

  • What the Church Needs to Learn From Jeremiah 34

    What the Church Needs to Learn From Jeremiah 34

    When I look at the conditions of our world—the deep racial and political divisions, immigration problems, terror threats, national debt, wars and lawlessness in our cities—a deep foreboding comes over my soul. As Christians, we all believe the call of 2 Chronicles 7:14 offers hope, but what if there is no response to the call to humble

  • Jesus Wants You to Pursue His Glory

    Jesus Wants You to Pursue His Glory

    Have you not deeply desired to see God, to know Him intimately and truly? Beloved, to see Jesus is to behold God. Let us not consider it heresy: We can surely see God! But first we must renounce every perception of the Almighty other than what we have found proven true in Christ. Therefore study

  • The Secret to Intimacy With God

    The Secret to Intimacy With God

    It is not hard to recognize someone who has spent extended time at a newsstand: His conversation overflows with the drama of current affairs. And it is not hard to discern a person who has come from a sporting event, as his face reveals the outcome of the game. Likewise, people can tell when an

  • A Touch From God is ‘More Than Goose Bumps and Tears’

    A Touch From God is ‘More Than Goose Bumps and Tears’

    There are certain times when the Lord calls us out of the routine of our daily lives. These are special seasons where His only command is, “Seek My face.” The Lord has something precious and vitally important to give us that the familiar pattern of our daily lives cannot accommodate. During such times people are

  • Do You Seek God’s Glory or Man’s?

    Do You Seek God’s Glory or Man’s?

    “How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and you do not seek the glory that is from the one and only God?” (John 5:44, NASB). If we are displaying our spirituality to impress men, still seeking honor from others, still living to appear righteous or special or “anointed” before people, can we honestly say we have been

  • Francis Frangipane: What It Means to Be Seated With Christ

    Francis Frangipane: What It Means to Be Seated With Christ

    Psalm 2, perhaps more then any other Bible text, accurately portrays the spirit of our time. Indeed, it also proclaims our correct response to Satan’s bold advance. Although it was quoted by the early church (Acts 4:25-26), God has set its full realization for the end of this age. Why are the nations in an uproar And the peoples

  • Want Holy Ghost Power? Be Holy

    Want Holy Ghost Power? Be Holy

    Many Christians look for shortcuts to the power of God. To try shortcuts is to become, at best, frustrated; at worst, a false teacher or prophet. Listen very carefully: there is tremendous power for us in God but not without holiness. Holiness precedes power. Let us understand the prophet, John the Baptist. According to Matt.

  • The Greatest Season of Revival? The Choice is Yours

    The Greatest Season of Revival? The Choice is Yours

    In spite of worldwide conflicts, the Holy Spirit is guiding the true Church into her greatest season of transformation. We must not look at the pressures of our times as though they were obstacles set to restrict us. For in the hands of the Almighty, these are the very tools He is using to perfect

  • Francis Frangipane: Expect a Great Outpouring of Mercy

    Francis Frangipane: Expect a Great Outpouring of Mercy

    In spite of escalating turmoil in our world, and failed hopes for presidential elections in the U.S., there still remains one last, great outpouring of mercy before the time of the end (see Matt. 24:14; Acts 2:17). This supernatural season is not something for which we must beg God. No, its coming has been predetermined. It is

  • Shake Yourself Loose From Condemnation

    Shake Yourself Loose From Condemnation

    We tend to boast in the power of faith while minimizing the value of hope. Yet, “faith is the substance of things hoped for” (Heb. 11:1). Without first having a living hope in God, our faith is meaningless. Indeed, the first stage of transformation is the awakening of hope. Yet, even after we come to

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