Francis Frangipane

  • The Unshakable Kingdom

    The Unshakable Kingdom

    For anyone alive on the planet during 2011, it was hard to be unaffected by the massive earthquake that occurred off the coast of Japan. Only a handful of years prior, in December 2004, the great South Asian tsunami roared along the Indian Ocean, suddenly rising and striking the coastlines of nine nations. More than

  • God Does Not Want Us to Be Judgmental

    God Does Not Want Us to Be Judgmental

    A religion without love is an abomination to God. The church needs to learn that God desires love and compassion, not merely an adherence to ritual and sacrifice. Thus, Jesus said His Father’s house would be a “house of prayer for all nations” (Mark 11:17). True prayer is born of love and comes in the

  • Are You Speaking the Utterances of God?

    Are You Speaking the Utterances of God?

    Much of what we are living today we were speaking yesterday. Of course, not everything in one's future is determined by his words. However, in real ways, our words are seeds that bloom in future hopes and fears; they are the trailblazers of our future, the pioneers of our tomorrows.Still, most of us are too…

  • Satan’s Domain: the Realm of Darkness

    Satan’s Domain: the Realm of Darkness

    Many Christians debate whether the devil is on the earth or in hell; can he dwell in Christians or only in the world? The fact is, the devil is in darkness. Wherever there is spiritual darkness, there the devil will be. For most, the term spiritual warfare introduces a new but not necessarily welcomed dimension…

  • Surrender of the Vision Keeper

    Surrender of the Vision Keeper

    If you find yourself more drawn toward prayer than promotion, more toward humility than hype, you are being prepared by the Lord for the glory of God. What He is working in you is typical of what God is establishing in thousands of other believers. However, before the Father ultimately reveals Christ as Lord over…

  • Why the Earth (and the Heavens) Are Shaking

    Why the Earth (and the Heavens) Are Shaking

    As the year 2011 comes to a close, it is hard to be unaffected by the massive earthquakes that occurred these past years. Remember, it was just 2004 when the great South Asian Tsunami roared along the Indian ocean, suddenly rising and striking the coastlines of nine nations. Over 230,000 people died, and millions more…

  • When Becoming Nothing Is an Improvement

    When Becoming Nothing Is an Improvement

    In the beginning, the earth was formless and void, but that did not deter the Almighty. He looked into the fathomless depth of its darkness and concluded, "All it needs is light!" Likewise, in the beginning of our spiritual lives, we also are "formless and void" and God, just as confidently, is still saying, "All…

  • Find God!

    Find God!

    What could be more important than finding God? Take a day, a week or a month and do nothing but seek Him, persisting until you find Him. He has promised, “You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:13).If we truly find Him, no one will…

  • The Divine Obsession

    The Divine Obsession

    There are three basic categories of Christians. The largest group consists of people who, though they try to avoid the darkness in the world, have no hope that the world can be redeemed. Assuming Christ's return is imminent, they retreat into what seems a shelter of apathy concerning the non-Christian world around them. Yet most…

  • It’s Time To Upgrade The Prophetic

    It’s Time To Upgrade The Prophetic

    Why the prophetic movement has become hit-and-miss—and what we can do about itWhen I came to Christ in 1970, America was already prewired with end-of-the-world forebodings. Nuclear war seemed inevitable, as Barry McGuire’s dire hit “Eve of Destruction” warned. Revolution and lawlessness were spreading everywhere. Yes, the “times” were certainly “a-changin,’” as Bob Dylan sang, and…

  • Why Your Power Is Based On Your Holiness

    Why Your Power Is Based On Your Holiness

    What does holiness have to do with your needs? Francis Frangipane reveals the answer from Matthew 3. According to Scripture, John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit “while yet in his mother’s womb” (Luke 1:15, NASB). We are also told his coming was in the spirit and power of Elijah. Historians tell us

  • Those Who Covenant With God

    Those Who Covenant With God

    Throughout the history of God's dealings with man, He has revealed Himself as a covenant-making God. The Almighty made major covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses and David; He renewed His Abrahamic covenant in His call to Isaac and Jacob. Each covenant initiated a new wave of redemptive power into the world and forever impacted the…

  • God Will Make a Way

    God Will Make a Way

     Taxes, threat of terror attacks, illness and aging, finances, political conflicts, family relationships, church struggles, fears, insurance issues, air travel impositions, job loss, gasoline prices, war, injustice, death—these are just a few of the enemies most of us face daily. Yet, let me also tell you what the Lord has spoken to my soul: “Be…

  • But God… I Hate My Situation

    But God… I Hate My Situation

    I have discovered that as we seek the Lord our most difficult periods can be transformed into wonderful breakthroughs into God’s love. For me, one such season occurred during the years 1979 to 1981. The association of churches with which I was aligned had fallen under spiritual deception. Not only were its core doctrines increasingly…

  • Your Appointment Awaits You

    Your Appointment Awaits You

    In spite of escalating turmoil in our world, there remains one last, great outpouring of mercy during the end times (see Matt. 24:14; Acts 2:17). This supernatural season of grace has been predetermined. It is an "appointed time" of the Lord. For those unaware, an appointed time is, in truth, an open display of the…

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