Thu. Jan 2nd, 2025

The Lord Says, ‘I Am Sending Many to Upset the Apple Cart’

I woke up from a dream at the beginning of this year where the cleansing of vessels was a symbolic act for the purification process for awakening the church. In this dream, the Scripture verse from Daniel 2:22 was being announced over a microphone from the platform of a religious gathering.

“He reveals the deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him” (Dan. 2:22).

After this Scripture was read aloud as a standard for holiness between several of the congregants in attendance, the sound of weeping broke out as a mighty move of the Spirit swept through the congregation.

In Psalm 85:6-7 (which was also mentioned in my dream), David cries out for the mercies of God to sweep across the land, after his confession and repentance of sin. David says, “Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You? Show us Your mercy, O Lord, and grant us Your deliverance.”

This is the key to a divine turnaround for the church at this hour: Submitting to the purification process while making room for a fresh wind of the Spirit to have His own way!

The Cleansing of House Gatherings

In a dream recently, I observed a warning where house gatherings would go through a time of public and private cleansing. There was an importance in my dream for those who gathered together to remain under an apostolic covering for accountability purposes and for preventing financial jeopardy.

I was reminded of the house churches in the New Testament where Paul exhorts the Corinthian church by saying, “I do not praise you. You have come together not for the better, but for the worse” (! Cor. 11:17b; see also 1 Cor. 11:22). Paul was exhorting the people of the Corinthian Church because of their abuse of gathering together through a carnal mindset while being privy to operating from the flesh. Paul warned those being ignited through an Acts 2 move of the Spirit, too beware of those who have a form of godliness, but deny God’s power. Paul also rebuked the people for gathering together in a public meeting through cliques and without a spirit of unity.

A move of the Spirit through house churches and gatherings is set to ignite a fire of revival and outpouring in these perilous days. However, beware of the wolves mingled among the sheep—who are dressed in counterfeit clothing (false anointing and power). Also, heed to the guidelines Paul gives to the New Testament church about tithes and offerings (Acts 20:32-35), which include giving and receiving through an attitude of the heart (2 Cor. 8;12, 9:7). As the wealth of the wicked is being poured out upon the righteous, be watchful of the motives from those coming with an Absalom personality and for selfish gain. As numerous house gatherings assemble in the days ahead, seek for holiness from the pure in heart and from those who hold unity and consecration at their highest esteem.

There’s a remnant rising to steward a move of the Spirit through this great harvest of souls, but be aware of the tares being revealed in our fields. Watch and pray! Stay aligned and listen to the sound of the Spirit moving atop the mulberry trees. It’s time to advance! Let’s pray:


We feel the brevity of the times of shaking that are upon us. We understand, Lord, that the earth is contracting as a woman in childbirth ready to birth a new move of Your Spirit. We yield to the working of Your hand, Father. We look to You and shout, “We will not fear the terror that’s attempting to draw us away from Your promises and into fleeing from Your presence.’ Lord, we repent for allowing our sins to quench Your Spirit. We repent for compromising to please the world by fulfilling the desires of our flesh. We repent, Lord, for rejecting the movements of Your Holy Spirit to walk in our own ways and for our own selfish outcomes. We ask Lord, for forgiveness, for making Your house a den of fools instead of stewarding it as a house of prayer. Wash us clean with Your cleansing blood. Renew our spirit, mind, soul and body for making us a purified bride, ready and waiting for Your soon coming return. Look upon us this day Lord and turn Your Face toward the fear-provoking nature of this pandemic, with Your mercy and loving kindness. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Who Upset the Apple Cart?

Twice recently, I heard a phrase quicken in my spirit. This happened while I was speaking with a friend regarding a situation at her church and while I’ve observed how the crossover into this current decade requires we adopt a new mindset for embracing the full counsel of God. I heard the Spirit of God say, “These ones have come ‘to upset the apple cart.’ In their day; Jesus, John the Baptist and even the apostles were known as those who turned the world upside down for advocating change and for advancing the kingdom (Matt. 21:12, Acts 17:6). This group of crucial kingdom shifters were anointed to disrupt the status quo and were sent to awaken a new decade for heralding a fresh move of God.

When I searched for the definition of what it means to “upset the apple cart,” I found the obvious answers, of course, such as spoiling or disturbing carefully laid plans or upsetting a particular order or state of something that’s in a comfortable or already established condition.

In Roman times, however, this expression was a means of communicating something more profound. When the Romans made mention of “upsetting the apple cart,” a person was known to be undone (Perii, claustrum perculi) by the actions of what had just occurred. Isaiah expresses much the same sentiment when he came face to face with the Lord of Hosts and heard His voice in the glory realm in Isaiah 6. Isaiah’s encounter with God transformed the way the prophet viewed himself, as an unreserved commissioning prompted Isaiah to respond to the Lord’s question of ‘Whom shall I send?’ (v. 8b) with a spontaneous reply of, ‘Here am I. Send me” (v. 8c).

Upsetting the apple cart is not only being a voice of reformation and change to the religious system and to an old wineskin. Instead, upsetting the apple cart is an intentional yielding to the movements of the Holy Spirit, whatever, however and whenever the occasion requires. Upsetting the apple cart will most likely leave some feeling out of sorts, while the Spirit of God shifts old paradigms into all thing new.

When I heard the Spirit of God say He was sending those to upset the apple cart, I understood by revelation that a remnant of bold and courageous saints of God were being commissioned to pull down, uproot, tear down and destroy the works of dead religion, false idols, unholy religious practices and error in the church. This act of cleansing and purifying the church is leaving room to usher in a move of God which leaves us undone and wrecked through a spiritual awakening like no other.

I sense we will see many moves of God upsetting the apple cart in our favor and on His behalf. The most unlikely and uncommon acts of God are set to position all spheres of society, for putting God on display, through His people and His church. A shake-up and a wake-up call in the most God-ordained way is ready to make space and usher in what God intends, despite the efforts and voices of man.

God is seeking for holiness in this new decade. The church is positioned to experience continued shaking. However, God is preparing us to be undone by the voice of a fresh awakening.

Get ready to upset the apple cart through the mercies of God! What man imagined you’d never do, God has made the way through the cry of your heart, which said, “Here am I. Send me!”

“But as He who has called you is holy, so be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:15-16). {eoa}

Holly Watson is a prophetic voice with a mandate to awaken the bride of Christ to her end-times identity. Her passion is to release the heart of the Father in a pure and uncompromising way, while stirring this generation with fresh Holy Ghost fire. Holly’s desire is to see every person walk in liberty and freedom in Christ through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Holly ministers under a strong prophetic anointing and releases the healing power of the Holy Spirit under the Luke 4:18 mandate. Visit Holly’s website at

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