How to Set Up a Spiritual Security System for Your Home

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There’s no doubt we need a spiritual security system in our homes. When a thief enters a house without a security or surveillance system, he is able to steal, kill and destroy. This is what our spiritual enemy, the devil, seeks to do as well (John 10:10).

In the spiritual realm, we establish a supernatural hedge of angelic protection—a spiritual security system—when Jesus Christ, the solid rock, is our foundation. We build upon this firm foundation with the Word of God in our hearts and minds and on our lips, establishing supernatural protection from the danger around us and evil assignments against us.

When you honor and bless others, you put yourself in the position to receive the blessings and protection of God. The blessing is an inheritance from God you pass to your children. You bless when you speak words of affirmation. It is essential to protect the heart of your child by blessing your spouse and children.

The blessing of God brings prosperity, produces favor and breaks curses. But when a parent sins, the children suffer the consequences and many times are at risk of repeating the same offense (Ex. 20:5). This is how many learn to walk in rebellion against God. Bad attitudes and bad examples leave a child exposed as an easy target for evil spirits.

There is good news! Parents who fear God and believe the Lord is their rock, fortress and deliverer can choose to stand in the gap with powerful prayers for their family. When they do that, no devil can stop the blessing and protection of God upon them—or their children or their children’s children! It is a tremendous responsibility that demands our commitment and our vigilance.

The problems we face will either help us grow or dominate us, depending on how we respond and act. God is always operating in our lives, even when we don’t realize it or understand it. These are times when we should open our mouths with powerful prayers and declarations of God’s Word.

The Power of Parents

If you are a father reading this, teaching your son to become a real man of God starts with your influence in the home. A son needs affirmation, hugs, kisses and positive words—not only from his mother but also from his father. In many cases, the son who never receives affirmation from his father tends to become rebellious and disobedient. He never learns how to love properly or give affirmation and love to his wife.

Dad, whether you are a good example or a bad one, you are teaching your son how to treat his mother, his sisters and his future wife. Children imitate their parents. They don’t do what we tell them, but they do what they see us do.

Mothers carry a great responsibility too. It is the mother in a Jewish home who prepares the meal on the Sabbath (Ex. 20). She lights the candles and makes the prayer. She’s the one who invites rest into her home. If you are a mother reading this, I encourage you to be the one who invites the peace of the Holy Spirit into your home and the one who imparts the blessing of God to all the family.

We are constantly in spiritual warfare for our homes. There’s an intense crisis in most homes today. The moral values have changed and continue changing drastically. Things that were unthinkable yesterday are accepted today. We need powerful men and women filled with the Holy Spirit who will stand in the gap for the souls of their family.

We need to make an evaluation of the condition of our spiritual life so we can open our mouths with confidence, resist the enemy and speak blessings and words of wisdom. This will dramatically change the atmosphere in your home.

The Power of Words

Our words can either cause healing or cause brokenness. During World War II, Mussolini kept Italy immobilized with the power of his words. Hitler conquered Austria not with bombs or infantry but with the power of his words.

Learn to use words specifically and with purpose. Fill your words with God’s power and His Word. They will have a significant effect. All our words must be full of goodness, love and grace. Good words are “like apples of gold in settings of silver” (Prov. 25:11b).

Parents, the home environment is the product of the words we speak. Many children fail because of the effects of negative and destructive words. Many marriages end in divorce because of wounding words.

Words can create miracles and also failures. You cannot live above your own words. If you declare defeat, anxiety, sickness or disbelief, you will live at that level. A negative confession will produce negative results.

The lives of children are tied to the words of their parents and loved ones. A mother or father can fill the heart of a child to accomplish great things and love God—or can, with words, destroy God’s purpose for that child.

A wife can introduce blessings or curses in the life of her husband by simply speaking words of wisdom or of defeat. Devastating words fill the mind with confusion. Never repeat scandalous gossip. Guard your lips with goodness.

The Power of Jesus

We defeat the devil through the blood of Jesus and our confession. Declare the Word in faith over your family, and do not allow the enemy entry into the lives of your children. We were created to overcome evil and to possess God’s blessings. The power of God in a child of God is stronger than the power of the enemy.

God did not create you to be ordinary, but to be extraordinary. You were purposefully designed for the miraculous and the supernatural. You must accept and believe in the process that God created to launch you toward these blessings.

The power of the presence of God will set you free of all the strongholds of the enemy. Do not fear. Open your mouth with boldness and declare victory in the name of Jesus. Jeremiah 5:14 says that God can make His words like a fire in your mouth, destroying all diabolical roots.

The next step is to start to put the Word of God into action. Here are 10 actions you can take to stop the enemy and establish the blessings of God in your home.

Develop a personal friendship with the Holy Spirit. Speak to Him like a friend. Ask Him sincerely to help you. Ask Him to teach you how to pray and understand the Bible every time you read and study.

Make a habit of praying. Do it every morning and declare victory, protection, healing and divine intervention in every area of your life.

Rebuke the enemy. Learn to rebuke the enemy every time you feel stressed or fearful. The enemy must flee from you.

Plead the blood of Jesus. Jesus’ shed blood provides protection over your mind, your body and your family members. This is extremely effective. Make it a habit.

Stop all negative words, thoughts, complaining and gossip. This is extremely important. Every time you allow these words into your home, the enemy will attack you with something because you’re giving him permission.

Make a habit of going to church. Attend regularly, and take your children to classes of their age group. Encourage them to get involved in weekly activities at your church.

Block all violent and sexual content from movies, games, videos and TV. This is an area being overlooked by today’s younger parents, and it is an area Satan uses to blind the minds of our children.

Read the Bible. Do a daily devotional, even if it’s a short one. If possible, attend discipleship classes. It will help you to bring all negative thoughts captive to the obedience of God.

Feed your mind with positive and life-changing books, music and teachings. Keep some soft Christian music going all the time. This will help you cast out fear and become peaceful and positive in all you do.

Display acts of love between family members and spouses. Don’t hold back on hugs, kisses, blessings, prayers, smiles and compliments. Eat together as a family and enjoy conversations. Learn to say, “I love you,” “You look good,” “I bless you” and other important, affirming statements.

The task and responsibility of establishing a security system are not complicated, but establishing one does demand attention and care. You will know you are making progress when it becomes a habit, just like preparing a cup of coffee every morning and making sure the doors are locked before going to sleep at night.

Believe and call things that are not as if they are already manifested, without any doubt in your heart. The authority that God has delegated to you is a powerful weapon that you must use on a daily basis (Mark 11:23; Luke 10:19). Your faith will give certainty and confidence to your hope and your prayers based on the Word (Heb. 11:1). {eoa}

Iris Delgado is the founder and president of Crowned With Purpose ministry. She is an author and speaker who has ministered for over 40 years.

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Protect your children from evil assignments and learn how to tap into the Holy Spirit’s supernatural protection with Iris Delgado’s latest book. CLICK HERE to buy your own copy!

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