
Entering the Highway of Healing

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In April of 2001, my pastor
solemnly announced from the pulpit that he’d had a vision and in it I was
healed. I didn’t believe healing was “for today,” but my face lit up and I
smiled back at him from my pew. The Lord showed him that He was going to open
me up to hear the truth.

At the time I was sick with an
incurable disease called multiple sclerosis. I felt hopeless and helpless.
Seismic tremors wracked my body. There were multiple malfunctions on every
front. I was in a losing battle.

Later, Pastor “Doc” asked if he
could come over once a week to show me what the Bible said about healing. He
was a Class A+ worshipper, and he told me two things were required before I
could enter the highway of healing and he wouldn’t begin working with me until
they were done.

He said, “Here’s the first
thing. Are you right with God? Do you willfully disobey Him?”

Hey, what kind of question is
that? I go to church. I believe in Jesus. Though briefly offended, I knew I
needed to pray. That night, I lay on my bed, alone, and I timidly asked, “Lord,
am I right with you?” I heard no answer.

The next day, I reported what
happened to Pastor “Doc.” He said, “OK, here’s the second thing. Do you have
unforgiveness in your heart? Are you holding any grudges?”

Oh, yeah. First Husband
immediately came to mind. He beat me up and ran off with another woman. Pastor
Doc then said, “You know what to do.” That night I prayed and God gave me the
ability to forgive First Husband. I knew it in my heart. The bitterness was
gone and I reported once again to Pastor “Doc.”

“Good!” he said. “Now we’re
ready to begin,” and Pastor “Doc” gave me a different kind of medicine than
what the doctors had prescribed. Here’s what he shared from the Holy Spirit:

1.  “Read and read again the Scriptures I’m
showing you. Meditate on them, and fill your mind with God’s truth. Fill your
mind with the words of Jesus.”

2.  “Listen to Christian music from morning to

3.  “Start a conversation with the Father and
Jesus. Pray continually—all the time.”

The expected results were an
intimate relationship with God and healing of the multiple sclerosis. The side
effects would be righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Pastor “Doc” prayed a
compassionate prayer for me to be healed, grabbed his hat and his gear, and
left. He was out the door before I knew it. “See you next week!” he said with a
tip of his hat.

Something was happening. I’m
hearing truth. I’m stirred up. Jesus’ name is above all names, including the
name “MS.” I made my way to the den and announced that Pastor “Doc” and I were
done for the day. I asked for some Christian music CDs, opened the Bible and
read the Scriptures he assigned. The Word was like hot water. I steep in it
like a tea bag. All my tiny little tea leaves absorbed it and I’m stirred up
again. Joy floods my heart. I’m overwhelmed.

Look at Jesus! Isn’t He beautiful?
He’s altogether lovely. He’s altogether mighty. I stand in awe before Him.
Christian music floods the house. I’m bathing in it. Its sweet fragrance clings
to me all day and all night.

MS was far in the background
now. I was still very sick, but I didn’t care. I was most aware of Jesus.
Jesus, I love You! Father, I love You! I wrapped myself around the Lord,
entwined myself with Him.

Worship became a lifestyle for
me and several months later, in the middle of the night on Sept. 2, 2001, Jesus
touched my body and healed me completely of MS.

My pastor had taught me how to
persistently proskuneo my God. Proskuneo is Greek for worship,
and it means prostrating myself in homage, revering and adoring Him. I wasn’t
about to stop proskuneo-ing once He
healed me. I continue leading this life of worship, wrapping myself around Him,
prostrating myself in homage, adoring and worshipping.

I love to be with my brothers
and sisters in Christ every Sunday. We worship the Lord in one accord. Our
spirits soar up to the throne of God as we sing and pray and hear the Word. We
give our love to Him and He loves us back. We plug into Him and He recharges
our batteries. But is it possible to live a life of worship—every single day of
the week and every moment of each day? What would happen if we did that
continually?  Nothing would be

Adapted from an article by
Susan Wynn, author of From Death to Life, copyright 2011, published by
Creation House. This inspiring true story of healing and restoration will challenge
your perception of the impossible, and assure you that nothing is too difficult
for God. To order a copy click on this link:




This week let worship become a lifestyle for you so that you
can become more aware of Him than anyone or anything else in your life. Let
praise and thanksgiving flow from your mouth or through worship CDs in your
house and car. Let them seep into your innermost being so that Holy Spirit led
prayer can flow from that deep place of rest and adoration. Remember our armed
forces and those who have given their lives to preserve our freedoms. Pray for
them and their loved ones. Continue to pray that all Christians would unite in
prayer and purpose to see God’s will and way accomplished globally, in Israel
and in our own nation.  Ps. 33:12; Prov.

To enrich your prayer life and learn how to strategically pray with power by using appropriate scriptures, we recommend the following sources by Apostle John Eckhardt: Prayers that Rout DemonsPrayers that Bring HealingPrayers that Release Heaven on Earth and Prayers that Break Curses. To order any or all of these click here.

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