
  • Walk Fearlessly Into Your Destiny

    Walk Fearlessly Into Your Destiny

    The enemy of our soul, the devil, is an identity thief operating in his No. 1 weapon: fear. He tries to steal our purpose, destiny and God’s best for our lives. Fear is the stronghold of the enemy that torments people with bondage over their minds, bodies, families, finances and marriages. John Ramirez, author of

  • Do You Walk According to the Flesh or the Spirit?

    Do You Walk According to the Flesh or the Spirit?

    What does it mean to walk according to the flesh? It means that you walk according to the dictates and the impulses of your fallen nature. Your lower nature. The flesh doubts. The flesh is unbelieving. The flesh is fearful. The flesh is unable to submit to God. Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma

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