
  • The 400-Year Wait for Christmas Had a Purpose

    The 400-Year Wait for Christmas Had a Purpose

    With Christmas right around the corner, it can be easy to jump right to the conclusion of singing about the great joy that has come to the world as we look at the lights and the festivities around us. And it is true—there is great joy to be found in knowing that the Savior of

  • In the World, Not of It: Why These 2 Pentatonix Members Are Committed to Being a Light in Culture

    In the World, Not of It: Why These 2 Pentatonix Members Are Committed to Being a Light in Culture

    In the glittering world of entertainment, where fame often overshadows faith, Pentatonix members Matt Sallee and Kevin Olusola stand out as devout Christians with a distinct mission. Despite their international acclaim and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, they shun the title of celebrities, viewing themselves as “Daniels” on a mission to illuminate

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