
  • What Are The Unusual ‘Dyson Spheres’ That Scientists Found?

    What Are The Unusual ‘Dyson Spheres’ That Scientists Found?

    In a new study, it was discovered that there are seven stars in the galaxy which have a bizarre structure surrounding them, which have been dubbed as ‘Dyson spheres.’ This discovery has caused even secular outlets like NBC and Business Insider to question if these Dyson spheres are actually structures created by intelligent life outside

  • Promise in the Stars: Darkness at Noon

    Promise in the Stars: Darkness at Noon

    As the birth of Jesus had been announced by the light of the star of Bethlehem, so the death of Jesus was announced by the darkness of Calvary (Luke 23:44-45). It is not likely that an atmospheric phenomenon caused the unusual darkness because of the astonishment expressed by observers. Further, the cause of the darkness

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