
  • Invite Him In

    Invite Him In

    “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers” (John 4:23, NASB). How do we worship God in the spirit? The first thing that we have to understand is that in order to worship

  • Are You  Spirit-Led?

    Are You Spirit-Led?

    Some of you are looking for a touch for your soul but need to come to Jesus first. There are moments in time when you have to do what King David said. He said, “Why is my soul downcast?” “Why is my soul downtrodden?” (See Ps. 43:5). You need to put all hope in the

  • 5 Risks and 4 Solutions to Keep Your Church Grounded in the Gospel

    5 Risks and 4 Solutions to Keep Your Church Grounded in the Gospel

    “Are you not entertained?“ The famous quote from Russell Crowe’s character in “Gladiator” echoes the sentiment many pastors experience as they strive to engage congregations and maintain attendance. “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it,” as Sir Winston Churchill said. Throughout church history, leaders have grappled with the tension between spiritual

  • Cultivating the Spirit

    Cultivating the Spirit

    The fire of God comes from God. You cannot produce fire by yourself. No. 1, you must understand that the fire of God cannot be replicated. It is not something that comes from you. God is the one who provides the fire: the fire of His presence. The zeal. The passion. The desire for Him.

  • 7 Spiritual Dangers of Yoga

    7 Spiritual Dangers of Yoga

    Is the phrase “Christian yoga” an oxymoron? Can Christians practice yoga without compromising their faith? What spiritual influence is behind this popular megatrend? The answers to these questions may shock you. In 1970 I was a teacher of Kundalini Yoga at four universities in Florida, with over 300 students following my teachings. I also ran

  • What is the ‘Jezebel Spirit?’ Understanding Baal, Demonic Powers and Witchcraft

    What is the ‘Jezebel Spirit?’ Understanding Baal, Demonic Powers and Witchcraft

    What is the “Jezebel spirit?” Some have likely pondered this question in the wake of recent drama surrounding controversial Pastor Mark Driscoll. Radio host and author Dr. Michael Brown told CBN the “Jezebel spirit” is tied to a demoniacal figure in the Old Testament named Jezebel. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! “Jezebel is

  • Prophecy: ‘The Spirit of Jezebel Has Been Unleashed’

    Prophecy: ‘The Spirit of Jezebel Has Been Unleashed’

    There’s no hiding from the spirit of Jezebel. In a word for the month of May, prophetic voice Tomi Arayomi gave a warning for this month that we need to be on the lookout for the spirit of Jezebel. Further, he says this is the moment to keep our eyes on Christ. “If you’re looking

  • Alan DiDio and Daniel Kolenda: Is Cessationism Heresy?

    Alan DiDio and Daniel Kolenda: Is Cessationism Heresy?

    Is cessationism heresy? This is the question Bishop Alan DiDio and Daniel Kolenda have set out to answer in a recent podcast episode of Encounter Today. Christians have debated back and forth for years about whether or not the gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased to exist in our modern world. For charismatics and

  • Jenny Weaver Warns: The Jezebel Spirit is in the Church

    Jenny Weaver Warns: The Jezebel Spirit is in the Church

    The Jezebel spirit has found its way into the church and mainstream culture. In a new video, revivalist and ex-witch Jenny Weaver is calling out the influx of the Jezebel spirit in our culture and churches today. “This spirit is very, very present in our churches, in our pulpits, in our choirs, on our worship

  • Three Signs You’re Being Attacked by Witchcraft

    Three Signs You’re Being Attacked by Witchcraft

    Is it possible for believers to be under the power of witchcraft? In a recent livestream, prophetic voice Jeremiah Johnson shared the three keys that point to someone either working in witchcraft or being under the influence of a witchcraft attack. Each of these are rooted in rebellion and a desire to control people, some

  • Purim and the Evil Amalekite Spirit

    Purim and the Evil Amalekite Spirit

    This weekend, March 23-24, Jews around the world will celebrate Purim. This annual cultural event memorializes events recorded in the Old Testament book or scroll of Esther when the Jewish people living in the greater Persian Empire were saved from extermination. It is a study of the survival of God’s people amid life-threatening hostility. The

  • 8 Demonic Items You Need to Get Out of Your House

    8 Demonic Items You Need to Get Out of Your House

    Today we see items from a variety of cultures wherever we go, whether in stores, restaurants or traveling the road. However, not all items are innocent and should not be brought into your house. In one of his latest videos, Vlad Savchuk identified the eight objects associated with demonic spirits that you need to get

  • The Spiritual Entity Working in The Background

    The Spiritual Entity Working in The Background

    In our current day and time, it appears as though evil is all around us. What if there’s something bigger behind this evil. Perhaps there’s something even deeper that we must acknowledge that’s infiltrating our world. Just maybe, the Antichrist spirit is in our midst. “There is most definitely a targeted warfare that we see

  • Why God Is Calling You to See the Big Picture

    Why God Is Calling You to See the Big Picture

    “For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding” (Col. 1:9, NASB 1995). Beloved, what stands out most to me here about Paul’s prayer life

  • Is It From God? 3 Ways to Discern if It’s the Holy Spirit

    Is It From God? 3 Ways to Discern if It’s the Holy Spirit

    It seems as though no matter where you go or turn to, someone always has an opinion or unsolicited advice to give. We see them on social media, news and blogs, and it can be easy to get caught up into what others have to say about our lives. But what about God? How can

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