
  • OK Schools Superintendent: ‘Satanists Are Not Welcome’

    OK Schools Superintendent: ‘Satanists Are Not Welcome’

    Oklahoma may soon adopt a bill similar to the one that Florida recently signed into law that would allow volunteer chaplains onto school grounds. Naturally, after having been designated a religion in 2019 by the Internal Revenue Service, The Satanic Temple has announced that wherever a state adopts this type of a program, they will

  • Arizona Democrat Praises Satanists on Senate Floor

    Arizona Democrat Praises Satanists on Senate Floor

    In a move that defies every argument against Satanism not infecting America today, Democrat state senator Juan Mendez publicly praised The Satanic Temple and their plight in America. Mendez commended the Satanists, stating they took a “noble action,” and expressed that he’s “graced” with their presence. “Members, I would like to introduce a group of

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