
  • Are We Making the Right Decisions?

    Are We Making the Right Decisions?

    It’s hard to imagine Franklin Graham smoking cigarettes, gulping beer and throwing punches. It’s difficult to believe this self-described bad boy—who dropped out of one school and was expelled from another—would repent and rise up in the spirit of Elijah to turn the heart of a nation back to God. But this once-prodigal son who,

  • Jonathan Cahn: You Can Live in the Righteousness of God in Today’s Culture

    Jonathan Cahn: You Can Live in the Righteousness of God in Today’s Culture

    Is it possible that behind what’s taking place in our culture today lies a mystery that goes back to the gods of the ancient world, and now they’ve returned? Jonathan Cahn believes so. He was born and raised in a Jewish home, but as a child in Hebrew school, he became an atheist because he

  • The Church is Going Through a Time of Cleansing

    The Church is Going Through a Time of Cleansing

    Larry Sparks of Destiny Image recently joined Charisma Media to discuss the current spiritual climate and the preparations needed for a revival. He noted that the exposure of duplicity in major ministries is not a sign of destruction, but rather an indicator of increasing divine glory. “The duplicity is being exposed because the measure of

  • Embracing Holiness: A Path to Spiritual Distinction

    Embracing Holiness: A Path to Spiritual Distinction

    In a world where conformity often reigns supreme, embracing a life of holiness can set one apart in profound ways. As Christians, we’re called to be in the world but not of it, and this distinction is perhaps most evident in our pursuit of holiness. In his exclusive Beyond the Article interview with Charisma Magazine

  • Are Half of This Influencer’s Followers Really Christians?

    Are Half of This Influencer’s Followers Really Christians?

    In one of his latest videos, Christian influencer Apostle Alexander Pagani questions whether or not half of the people following his online ministry are actually born-again Christians because of the commonality in today’s society to mix half-hearted devotion to God with worldly customs that does not produce biblical fruit. “I can say this boldly,” Pagani

  • The Spiritual Ramifications of Hyper-Grace Theology

    The Spiritual Ramifications of Hyper-Grace Theology

    We live during a time when many people do not want to hear about God at all, and if they do, there sometimes is a misunderstanding or a deliberate pushback from the concept of repentance. But why is that? The problem, according to Pastor Greg Locke, is the infiltration of the hyper-grace theology into the

  • Start Expecting and Inviting God’s Presence, Not Performance

    Start Expecting and Inviting God’s Presence, Not Performance

    The Bible is filled with messages to those who read it about just how important the presence of God is to the well-being of His people. God’s presence, woven throughout the Old and New Testaments, serves as a poignant reminder of His closeness, the guidance He offers and the intimate bond He shares with His

  • The Biblical Imperative of Righteous Leadership for a Nation

    The Biblical Imperative of Righteous Leadership for a Nation

    In the face of crises and challenges, the need for righteous and Christian leadership becomes profoundly evident, especially when examining it through the lens of biblical teachings. The Bible provides timeless wisdom on the traits and behaviors expected of leaders, reminding us that leaders are called to serve and guide with integrity, compassion and humility.

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