
  • Demonic Forces on the Rise: Perspectives from Jack Hibbs

    Demonic Forces on the Rise: Perspectives from Jack Hibbs

    For those paying attention and applying biblical discernment to the times in which we live in, an increase in demonic activity is evermore visible, according to Pastor Jack Hibbs. In a recent video, Hibbs, Senior and Founding Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, addressed demons and the increase in attention paid to them as opposed

  • Demonic ‘Possession’ Drives Man to Murder

    Demonic ‘Possession’ Drives Man to Murder

    There have been heinous events throughout history. Satan’s perversion of humanity and his influence in committing atrocities is not new, but today’s culture feels as though it has been saturated by criminal acts and are viewed as mundane by modern audiences. Americans were shocked and appalled by the string of serial killers in the 1970s

  • Testimony From Hell Reveals the Secret to Demon Possession

    Testimony From Hell Reveals the Secret to Demon Possession

    Can demons possess humans, and if so, how does it happen? After Howard Pittman descended into hell after experiencing actual, physical death, he saw the reality of hell and how the demonic works to snare God’s children. Pittman claimed to have experienced a journey beyond the veil, witnessing Satan’s kingdom and gaining profound insights into

  • ‘Demon-Possessed’ Prostitute Rejects Candace Owens’ Prayer After Debate

    ‘Demon-Possessed’ Prostitute Rejects Candace Owens’ Prayer After Debate

    Has Christianity withdrawn so far from recognizing and confronting the spiritual aspects of the world that it now is incapable of recognizing someone who is under the oppression of a demon? In many cases yes, as pendulum swings can go from an over-spiritualized mindset that accuses anyone and everything of having a demon, to completely

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