law enforcement

  • Germany Ignores Horror of Exploiting Children

    Germany Ignores Horror of Exploiting Children

    In an indefensible, morally reprehensible ruling, Germany has drastically reduced the legal consequences of child pornography. There is no universe in which such a ruling can be justified. The very thought of it is horrible. As reported on Reduux, “Germany’s Parliament (Bundestag) has received the votes necessary to remove a section of the Criminal Code

  • Police Shut Down Mike Signorelli and Jenny Weaver Baptisms

    Police Shut Down Mike Signorelli and Jenny Weaver Baptisms

    The V1 Miami Church held a revival service with Pastor Mike Signorelli and Jenny Weaver where many decided to get baptized. However, during this time of spontaneous baptisms, law enforcement arrived to shut down the event.           View this post on Instagram                  

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