
  • Christians, Let’s Denounce Antisemitism Now

    Christians, Let’s Denounce Antisemitism Now

    As followers of Jesus we are often grieved over the compromise and cowardice of previous generations of American Christians. With righteous indignation, we say, “Had I lived in the days of slavery or segregation, I would have taken a stand. I would have spoken up!” In the same way, we decry the compromise and cowardice

  • Jonathan Cahn Prophecy: Israel, Iran and the End Times

    Jonathan Cahn Prophecy: Israel, Iran and the End Times

    There’s something much greater and deeper to the Iranian attack on Israel than meets the eye. While news outlets can only provide the basic facts and propose diplomatic solutions, Rabbi and prophetic voice Jonathan Cahn says that what happened with the Iranian attack is actually a spiritual battle and the beginning of the fulfillment of

  • Israelis Remember Hostages, Fallen Soldiers, Terror Victims as Passover Begins

    Israelis Remember Hostages, Fallen Soldiers, Terror Victims as Passover Begins

    Byline: Chris Mitchell/CBN News JERUSALEM, Israel â€“ Jews worldwide and throughout Israel will celebrate the Feast of Passover Monday night. While they celebrate the freedom from the bondage of ancient Egypt, they also grieve for the more than 100 hostages still in Hamas captivity, as Tuesday will mark the 200th day since the massacre and kidnappings

  • It Wasn’t the Stone That Killed Goliath

    It Wasn’t the Stone That Killed Goliath

    Neither was it the Israel Air Force that thwarted this week’s Iranian attack.  Like most of the world this past Saturday evening, I was glued to my television and cell phone as I watched in real time as Iran attacked Israel by firing a combination of over 300 missiles and drones toward Israel. Almost from

  • Israel’s Strike Sends Warning, but Tensions Unlikely to Rise

    Israel’s Strike Sends Warning, but Tensions Unlikely to Rise

    BYLINE: Michael L. Brown Is the conflict between Iran and Israel about to explode? Are we on the edge of World War III or even Armageddon? The answer to all these questions is the same: not likely. But in saying this I do not claim supernatural prophetic insight. Rather, I base my remarks on a

  • Morning Rundown: UPDATE: Lindell and Driscoll Reconcile as Sword Swallower Responds

    Morning Rundown: UPDATE: Lindell and Driscoll Reconcile as Sword Swallower Responds

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on UPDATE: Lindell and Driscoll Reconcile as Sword Swallower Responds Mark Driscoll and John Lindell have reconciled following controversy at the Stronger Men’s Conference. During the conference, Driscoll called out the spirit of Jezebel for being present due to sword swallower Alex Magala’s performance where he

  • Americans Are Cheering for Terrorists? The World Is Upside Down

    Americans Are Cheering for Terrorists? The World Is Upside Down

    On Sunday morning of this week Iran launched more than 300 rockets and drones to destroy Israel. But Israeli forces intercepted 99% of the weapons—and an ominous silence fell on the region as Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu weighed his options about when and how to retaliate. In times past, the United States would have offered

  • A New Middle East? Arab Nations Openly Join Israel in Thwarting Iranian Missile Assault

    A New Middle East? Arab Nations Openly Join Israel in Thwarting Iranian Missile Assault

    The Iranian missile attack in the early hours of Sunday morning publicly revealed the Middle East Air Defense Alliance (MEAD) for the first time. This defense partnership has the potential to significantly reshape the Middle East in the foreseeable future. The Israeli aerial defense array made military history by thwarting 99% of an Iranian attack

  • Is this the Fulfillment of the Bear, Dragon and Lion Prophecy?

    Is this the Fulfillment of the Bear, Dragon and Lion Prophecy?

    Back in January, Dutch Sheets gave a prophetic word about the rise of “the dragon, bear and lion” for 2024. Now, it would appear that this prophecy could be playing out right in front of us. “The dragon, the bear and the lion, that would be Russia, China and Iran will continue their attempts to

  • Greg Laurie: Iran’s Attack a Sign of the End Times

    Greg Laurie: Iran’s Attack a Sign of the End Times

    The unprecedented attack on Israel by the nation of Iran that consisted of over 300 suicide drones, missiles and rockets has set the world on edge, wondering if this may be the start of something much bigger. Greg Laurie, Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship, says that while he does not believe the recent eclipse

  • ‘A Declaration of War’: How the Conflict Between Israel and Iran Fits Into the Bigger Picture

    ‘A Declaration of War’: How the Conflict Between Israel and Iran Fits Into the Bigger Picture

    Iran’s attack on Israel is being called “a declaration of war”, and that is precisely what it was. Shooting more than 300 drones and missiles at another country is definitely an act of war, and the Iranian parliament was loudly chanting “death to Israel” as it was happening. Many are shocked that a full-blown war

  • Arsonists in the White House

    Arsonists in the White House

    I made it a point not to go to sleep last night, knowing what was coming from Iran. After Shabbat with my son’s pre-army program, we heard news of the instructions from Israel’s Homefront Command that for the next two days all schools would be closed, there were to be no gatherings of more than

  • Wars and Rumors of War: Christian Leader Murdered in Political Assassination

    Wars and Rumors of War: Christian Leader Murdered in Political Assassination

    JERUSALEM and south LEBANON – Christian-Muslim tensions in Lebanon have erupted after the murder of well-known Christian politician Pascal Sleiman. Given his fierce opposition to Hezbollah, Lebanese Christians are worried for their safety as the terror group’s intimidation grows. A Syrian gang is believed to have kidnapped and murdered Sleiman, a strong believer and senior

  • How Will Israel Retaliate Against Iran?

    How Will Israel Retaliate Against Iran?

    As expected, in retaliation for Israel’s killing of a top Iranian general and seven other senior military leaders on April 1, all of whom were suspected of having Israeli blood on their hands, Iran struck back on Saturday night, launching roughly 350 drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles on Israel. This marked the first time

  • Morning Rundown: BREAKING NEWS: ISRAEL: IRAN ATTACKS ISRAEL: In major escalation, Tehran launches at least 100 military drones at Israel cities—IDF prepares to retaliate

    Morning Rundown: BREAKING NEWS: ISRAEL: IRAN ATTACKS ISRAEL: In major escalation, Tehran launches at least 100 military drones at Israel cities—IDF prepares to retaliate

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on BREAKING NEWS: ISRAEL: IRAN ATTACKS ISRAEL: In major escalation, Tehran launches at least 100 military drones at Israel cities—IDF prepares to retaliate JERUSALEM, ISRAEL — At this hour, 10 million Israelis are bracing for an attack by air that is already in motion. U.S. and

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