
  • ‘Israel Is at War’: Hamas Initiates Surprise Sabbath Attack

    ‘Israel Is at War’: Hamas Initiates Surprise Sabbath Attack

    “Israel is at war,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after Israelis woke up under attack by air, land and sea on Saturday, their Sabbath. Sirens blared as more than 2,000 rockets launched at Israel from the Gaza Strip attempted to pummel the Jewish state, and Israelis ran for bomb shelters early on Saturday. By

  • Morning Rundown: Coffee in Church? Debate Percolating Hotter Than Ever

    Morning Rundown: Coffee in Church? Debate Percolating Hotter Than Ever

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Coffee in Church? Debate Percolating Hotter Than Ever To sip or not to sip? That is the question. According to pastor and theologian John Piper, his idea of allowing coffee in a church sanctuary was the question that set the world of X (formerly known

  • Israeli Ambassador Detained at UN in Protest Against Iranian President

    Israeli Ambassador Detained at UN in Protest Against Iranian President

    Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, found himself in the spotlight as he was detained by U.N. personnel for staging a dramatic protest during Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s address to the U.N. General Assembly. In a bold display of dissent, Erdan stood up as Raisi began his speech and held up a picture

  • Top of the Week: Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Red Heifer Born in Jerusalem Marks a Prophetic Milestone

    Top of the Week: Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Red Heifer Born in Jerusalem Marks a Prophetic Milestone

    Following are snippets of the top stories published over the past week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full: Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Red Heifer Born in Jerusalem Marks a Prophetic Milestone In a momentous development that has reverberated throughout Christian and Jewish communities, a red heifer, a

  • Morning Rundown: Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Red Heifer Born in Israel Marks a Prophetic Milestone

    Morning Rundown: Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Red Heifer Born in Israel Marks a Prophetic Milestone

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Red Heifer Born in Israel Marks a Prophetic Milestone In a momentous development that has reverberated throughout Christian and Jewish communities, a red heifer, a significant symbol in Bible prophecy, has been born in Israel. The Temple Institute, an organization dedicated to

  • Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Red Heifer Born in Israel Marks a Prophetic Milestone

    Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Red Heifer Born in Israel Marks a Prophetic Milestone

    In a momentous development that has reverberated throughout Christian and Jewish communities, a red heifer, a significant symbol in Bible prophecy, has been born in Israel. The Temple Institute, an organization dedicated to preparations for the Third Temple in Jerusalem, made the groundbreaking announcement on their YouTube channel, heralding the calf’s arrival as a pivotal

  • Former US Ambassador: Divine Bible Ties Between Israel, Jerusalem and Embassy Move

    Former US Ambassador: Divine Bible Ties Between Israel, Jerusalem and Embassy Move

    In an exclusive interview with Charisma News, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman gave unique insight behind his tenure with the Department of State. The former ambassador began by recounting the commitment to progress given by then-President Donald Trump when assuming the role. Expressing a desire to break from past policies, the ambassador emphasized

  • Former US Ambassador to Israel Shares Spiritual Journey of Rediscovering Biblical Landmarks

    Former US Ambassador to Israel Shares Spiritual Journey of Rediscovering Biblical Landmarks

    In an exclusive interview with Charisma News, David Friedman, former US ambassador to Israel during the Trump administration, unveiled his personal journey of breaking through diplomatic norms to connect with the biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria. Friedman’s insights resonate deeply with Christian supporters of Israel who view the Jewish people as God’s chosen nation.

  • Courting Votes From Pro-Israel Evangelicals, Republican Presidential Hopefuls Converge at CUFI Summit

    Courting Votes From Pro-Israel Evangelicals, Republican Presidential Hopefuls Converge at CUFI Summit

    As the 2024 U.S. presidential campaign for the White House draws near, several contenders are vying for the pro-Israel Evangelical vote. Christians United For Israel (CUFI) hosted several Republican candidates at its annual summit in Washington this week, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley and former U.S. Vice President Mike

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