
  • Old Testament Origins Undergird Our New Testament Faith

    Old Testament Origins Undergird Our New Testament Faith

    This is part one of a two-part article. Watch for part two, coming soon to mycharisma.com. Beloved, there should be no separation in our thinking between the writings of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and those of the New Testament, called Brit Chadashah in Hebrew, which means New Covenant. The Lord never intended for us

  • Rabbi Kirt Schneider: The 4 Dimensions of God Revealed

    Rabbi Kirt Schneider: The 4 Dimensions of God Revealed

    Could the name of God reveal different dimensions of His nature? In an exclusive interview with Charisma Media founder Stephen Strang, Rabbi Kirt Schneider discussed the power and the purpose behind God’s great and glorious names, and how they represent different aspects of His nature. God’s name reveals who He is from the beginning. When

  • Eve’s Curse and the Gaza Dilemma

    Eve’s Curse and the Gaza Dilemma

    Like most rabbis, or for that matter, like most Jewish people around the world, I have been asked many questions over the past few months as people try to understand the current war in Israel (Please remember that the Gaza Strip is still within the borders of Israel). Some have asked me about the history

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