
  • Breaking Up With Worry

    Breaking Up With Worry

    Worrying is a natural response in many situations, and I’ve wasted many days getting caught up in it. I thought that was a normal way to live. But through the years, God has helped me end my relationship with worry. And He did it with the help of my husband, Dave. Every time I have

  • Did Moses Love G-D?

    Did Moses Love G-D?

    One of the heroes we read about in the early books of the Bible is Moses. Moses was an Israelite, born during the time of Israel’s captivity in Egypt, who became the leader of the Israelite people during their slavery and who led them all the way to the border of the promised land. His

  • When Was Hell Created?

    When Was Hell Created?

    Hell was not created, but prepared. According to Strong’s Concordance, the word “prepared” means “to make ready.” In Matthew 25:41 (NKJV), Jesus said, “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.'” This is the same word God used in John 14:2b,

  • Have You Embraced the Unconditional Love of God?

    Have You Embraced the Unconditional Love of God?

    For many people, it is a real struggle to see God as their heavenly Father. This can be for a variety of reasons, especially if someone has not experienced a loving and kind earthly father. Yet God desires for us to come to know Him from the perspective as not just our creator, but as

  • Kanye West Renounces Christian Faith, Calls Himself God

    Kanye West Renounces Christian Faith, Calls Himself God

    Jesus isn’t King for Kanye after all. In an interview with radio host Big Boy, West revealed the issues he has with Christianity and the apparent lack of answered prayers he had when he was trying to pursue the Christian faith. “I have my issues with Jesus,” West says. “There’s a lot of stuff I

  • Use God’s Wilderness Season for You to Bless the World

    Use God’s Wilderness Season for You to Bless the World

    All too often, we see hard-charging Christians take the bull by the horns and jump into the deep end of ministry only to realize they were not ready for what the Lord had planned for them. Times of preparation are a constant lesson taught in the Bible. David had many seasons in the wilderness before

  • Rabbi Kirt Schneider: The 4 Dimensions of God Revealed

    Rabbi Kirt Schneider: The 4 Dimensions of God Revealed

    Could the name of God reveal different dimensions of His nature? In an exclusive interview with Charisma Media founder Stephen Strang, Rabbi Kirt Schneider discussed the power and the purpose behind God’s great and glorious names, and how they represent different aspects of His nature. God’s name reveals who He is from the beginning. When

  • What Does God’s Voice Sound Like?

    What Does God’s Voice Sound Like?

    Have you ever wondered what God sounds like? Would His voice be a gentle whisper in the breeze, or would it be a booming voice, one with impact and a tremendous roar behind it? In his exclusive Beyond The Article interview, beloved pastor and theologian R.T. Kendall explains what you can expect the voice of

  • Did Madonna Truly Have a Heavenly Visit?

    Did Madonna Truly Have a Heavenly Visit?

    Did God speak to Madonna? The pop singer says she heard from God while hospitalized for a “serious bacterial infection” last summer. As Fox News reported, Madonna claims to have had a near-death experience where she was in a coma for a bacterial infection. She says her awakening with the word “no” was her reply

  • ‘Casting Spells’: Man’s Obsessions with Occult and Ouija Boards Shattered in Radical Encounter With God

    ‘Casting Spells’: Man’s Obsessions with Occult and Ouija Boards Shattered in Radical Encounter With God

    “I was very involved in the occult, channeling spirits, casting spells, playing with a Ouija board six to eight hours a day—all of those things.” That’s how military veteran and artist Timothy Gagnon describes his early years, explaining how he descended into evil practices as a young man. Now, decades later, Gagnon is on a

  • How God Sees You

    How God Sees You

    Have you ever thought about or embraced the incredible truth that you are a child of God? You probably have no problem accepting that Jesus died on the cross so your sins are forgiven, that God answers your prayers or that one day you will go to heaven. But have you ever taken your relationship

  • Does God Speak to Politicians?

    Does God Speak to Politicians?

    Entering the turbulent election of 2024, we wonder—is God moving in our nation? Most citizens are either firmly on the side of a presidential candidate or completely disenfranchised with all of them from both major political parties. Frustration is sky high with Congress as their approval ratings are at an all-time low of 15%. We

  • God’s Powerful Guidance in Perilous Times

    God’s Powerful Guidance in Perilous Times

    My wife, Annette, and I personally witnessed a horrible hurricane in Florida. It destroyed homes, property, infrastructure and most tragically of all, it killed many people. Insurance companies call such events “acts of God,” but Jesus told us who is ultimately behind such destruction. John 10:10 (NKJV) states, “The thief does not come except to

  • The Real Reasons God Deserves Our Praise and Honor

    The Real Reasons God Deserves Our Praise and Honor

    In this season of secular acclaim for Grammy Award recipients and Super Bowl athletes, Jesus’ followers need to pause and ask ourselves, who really deserves our praise and honor? Many Protestants learned the Westminster Shorter Catechism as children. It summarizes mankind’s purpose when it teaches, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God.”  But how can we mortals do

  • Morning Rundown: ‘I Refuse to Believe in a God Who Would Make Hell’

    Morning Rundown: ‘I Refuse to Believe in a God Who Would Make Hell’

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: ‘I Refuse to Believe in a God Who Would Make Hell’ If you are a person who says, “I refuse to believe in a God who would make hell,” here are three things you may want to consider: 1. God is the one who has

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