
  • Morning Rundown: 5 Key Signs to Identifying a Christian Narcissist

    Morning Rundown: 5 Key Signs to Identifying a Christian Narcissist

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on 5 Key Signs to Identifying a Christian Narcissist Narcissism can be challenging to identify, especially when cloaked in Christian language and behaviors. Kris Reece, a Christian life coach and author, recently shared insights into identifying “Christian narcissists,” individuals who use their faith to manipulate and

  • ‘I’m a Christian’: Actor Dennis Quaid Proclaims Faith, Holy Spirit to Packed Harvest Crusade

    ‘I’m a Christian’: Actor Dennis Quaid Proclaims Faith, Holy Spirit to Packed Harvest Crusade

    That’s the proclamation actor Dennis Quaid uttered from the Harvest Crusade stage July 20, at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, California, as he stood alongside celebrated preacher Greg Laurie. Quaid and Laurie proceeded to discuss the actor’s career and faith journey in front of the packed audience. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube

  • The Insidious Resurfacing of ‘Christian’ Antisemitism

    The Insidious Resurfacing of ‘Christian’ Antisemitism

    A Christian social media influencer with a large platform recently texted me after reading my 2021 book “Christian Antisemitism: Confronting the Lies in Today’s Church.” He was burdened and grieved by the contents of the book, saying to me, “This needs to be updated!” I responded, “That’s the problem. The book was an update to

  • Christian Father of 4 Murdered Before His Family’s Eyes

    Christian Father of 4 Murdered Before His Family’s Eyes

    A Catholic father of four children was gunned down by Muslim neighbors last week after he objected to their harassment of Christians in the area, his family said. Marshall Masih of the Patiala House area in Lahore, Pakistan, was the sole breadwinner for his elderly parents, wife and four children, the oldest 10, the youngest

  • A Season of Restoration

    A Season of Restoration

    As a child, I received one of the greatest gifts parents can ever give: being raised in a home with parents who fully embraced their Christian faith. This has had a lasting impact on my life and played a great part in my role for the past several years as founder of, helping renew

  • The Shocking Verdict in Christian Billionaires Wall Street Scam

    The Shocking Verdict in Christian Billionaires Wall Street Scam

    Lately, people using the moniker of “Christian” have been found to be engaged in notoriously un-Christian activities. Such is the case for former financier and philanthropist Bill Hwang, who was just found guilty of stock manipulation and fraud. The jury in the New York trial found Hwang guilty on 10 of 11 counts including racketeering,

  • John Deere Under Fire for Exposed Anti-Christian Practices

    John Deere Under Fire for Exposed Anti-Christian Practices

    With the decline of mainstream media, independent journalists have picked up the mantle as disseminators of truth and exposers of hidden agendas. None have done as much work recently revealing the true nature of what were once “Made in America” companies as former producer-turned-conservative powerhouse Robby Starbuck and his team. Their exposĂ© on Tractor Supply

  • Evangelist Killed by Extremists After Sharing Gospel Message

    Evangelist Killed by Extremists After Sharing Gospel Message

    An evangelist was reportedly slaughtered in eastern Uganda last month by Muslim extremists after he shared the Gospel and converted people to the Christian faith. Richard Malinga’s body was discovered June 17 in a pool of blood and “tied with ropes,” according to a resident who spoke with Morning Star News on condition of anonymity.

  • Let’s Follow Jesus, Not Superstar Faith Leaders

    Let’s Follow Jesus, Not Superstar Faith Leaders

    It is one of the strengths of our American culture that we have learned how to make everything bigger and better. It is one of the weaknesses of the American church that we apply this same mentality to our faith leaders. We know how to turn servants into superstars! How foreign this is to the

  • Good Samaritan Embarks on Months-Long Quest After Discovering Mysterious Bible

    Good Samaritan Embarks on Months-Long Quest After Discovering Mysterious Bible

    It once was lost, but now it’s found. That’s the story surrounding a Georgia man’s beloved Bible, which had gone missing for months before the persistence of a good Samaritan changed everything. William Bailey lost his Bible in January, when it fell off his car before he went to church one Wednesday. Bailey told The

  • Morning Rundown: Are We at the End of the Christian Celebrity Era?

    Morning Rundown: Are We at the End of the Christian Celebrity Era?

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Are We at the End of the Christian Celebrity Era? Have we finally come to the end of the road for the Christian celebrity era? In a recent podcast, Dr. Michael Brown tackled this subject and how God may be dealing with those who find

  • Meta AI Erroneously Labels Christian Worship Leaders as Gay

    Meta AI Erroneously Labels Christian Worship Leaders as Gay

    Artificial intelligence, and the corporations behind their programming, continue to give us reason after reason not to trust the accuracy or validity of the answers they regurgitate to hundreds of millions of users each day. Recently, singer and musician Cory Asbury, who rose to fame with his “Reckless Love” worship song, recorded his shock and

  • Morning Rundown: 7 Reasons Christian Leaders Fail

    Morning Rundown: 7 Reasons Christian Leaders Fail

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on 7 Reasons Christian Leaders Fail In light of what’s going on with Robert Morris and Tony Evans, I decided to re-release this article so we can all focus on finishing strong. Why do Christian leaders fail? They fail for the same reason all Christians fail.

  • 7 Reasons Christian Leaders Fail

    7 Reasons Christian Leaders Fail

    In light of what’s going on with Robert Morris and Tony Evans, I decided to re-release this article so we can all focus on finishing strong. Why do Christian leaders fail? They fail for the same reason all Christians fail. Each of us is drawn away by our own evil desires and enticed. When we

  • Daystar Drops Robert Morris Content Over Child Sexual Abuse Controversy

    Daystar Drops Robert Morris Content Over Child Sexual Abuse Controversy

    The fallout from the explosive Robert Morris sexual abuse scandal continues to ripple across the Christian world, as Daystar Television announced they are removing all programming featuring Morris effective immediately. In a post made on X (formerly Twitter), Daystar expressed their grief at the situation, as well as their decision to separate from Morris in

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