artificial intelligence

  • The Programming of AI and the Indoctrinating of Our Children

    The Programming of AI and the Indoctrinating of Our Children

    Last September, I wrote an article titled, “Four Years Later Google’s Search Bias Is As Blatant As Ever.” The article began with these words: In his 2019 book The Madness of the Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity, Douglas Murray exposed the cultural insanity that has gripped so much of the modern world. He pointed out

  • End-Times Alarm: AI and the Beast

    End-Times Alarm: AI and the Beast

    Today, experts in the field have been sounding the alarm, warning of the dark side of artificial intelligence. We know AI can be used for both good and evil, but let’s think about the people in power who direct the creation and programming of AI. Are these godly individuals with a moral compass and biblical

  • Church Hosts ‘AI Takeover’ with Sermon Written Entirely by AI

    Church Hosts ‘AI Takeover’ with Sermon Written Entirely by AI

    Is the new trend for churches to utilize upcoming technology to demonstrate they have no fear of adapting to cultural and societal changes? In some cases this appears to be true, as Pastor Jay Cooper, of Methodist church Violet Crown City Church in North Austin, Texas, developed an AI-generated worship service for his congregation. This

  • Top of the Week: A Shaking So Strong Is Coming It Will Rock the Foundations of the Church

    Top of the Week: A Shaking So Strong Is Coming It Will Rock the Foundations of the Church

    Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full. A Shaking So Strong Is Coming It Will Rock the Foundations of the Church Zuly Garcia, co-founder of Father’s Glory International with her husband, Chris Garcia, says God

  • Top of the Week: A Shaking So Strong Is Coming It Will Rock the Foundations of the Church

    Top of the Week: A Shaking So Strong Is Coming It Will Rock the Foundations of the Church

    Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full. A Shaking So Strong Is Coming It Will Rock the Foundations of the Church Zuly Garcia, co-founder of Father’s Glory International with her husband, Chris Garcia, says God

  • Christian Leaders Discuss Moral Concerns on AI Advancements

    Christian Leaders Discuss Moral Concerns on AI Advancements

    The rapid proliferation of artificial intelligence has stirred profound contemplation among Christians, prompting questions about the moral and ethical ramifications of this ever-expanding technology. In the ever-evolving landscape of AI, the future remains uncertain, characterized by the promise of remarkable technological advancements juxtaposed with fears of job displacement and ethical dilemmas. Dr. Albert Mohler, Jr.,

  • Morning Rundown: Burning Man Festival: Divine Warning or Natural Occurrence?

    Morning Rundown: Burning Man Festival: Divine Warning or Natural Occurrence?

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Burning Man Festival: Divine Warning or Natural Occurrence? The recent historic flooding at the Burning Man festival has left many questioning whether it was a mere act of nature or a divine message in response to pagan activities during the event. For Christians, understanding such

  • Navigating the Intersection of Faith and AI: “Text With Jesus” App’s Spiritual Quandaries

    Navigating the Intersection of Faith and AI: “Text With Jesus” App’s Spiritual Quandaries

    In a world dominated by AI and cutting-edge tech, an app named “Text With Jesus” has emerged, blurring the line between the spiritual and the digital. As smartphones become vessels for many people’s faith, this app seeks to offer conversations with biblical figures like Jesus, Mary and even Satan. However, as Christians, we must discern

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