The Oft-Overlooked Way Holy Spirit Is Speaking to You

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Hayley Kahler

Don't miss what God is speaking to you now.

God speaks to us daily, in multiple ways. Sometimes He speaks to us in a powerful encounter. Sometimes He whispers to our hearts in the quiet place. And sometimes it’s through the Word, teaching or worship. But there is one often-overlooked way that God speaks to us. This is in our interaction with each other.

Recently, I was faced with a difficult decision to make.

Recently, I was faced with a difficult decision to make. It was something that I felt had to be done for the health of my family, but I was not happy about having to do it. I put it off as long as I possibly could. The day came though, when action was a must. I told my husband not to let me go to bed that night unless I had followed through and addressed the thing that needed to be addressed. By the end of the day, I was sick. I had allowed myself to be so stressed-out that I was physically ill.

At five o’clock that evening, I received a text from a woman I know who knew nothing of my situation. It was just a note to let me know I had been on her heart all day. She then shared with me what God had been showing her when she thought of me. She didn’t have any details about my life, just a simple picture of the faithfulness and strength of God at work.

One of the main ways He speaks to us is through each other.

I was so profoundly encouraged. Why? Because Holy Spirit saw me, was there with me and whispered my name to the heart of another person. But what if that person hadn’t had the courage to share with me? What if she had allowed busyness or fear to distract her? So many times, God speaks someone’s name to our hearts, but we blow it off as a passing thought. Or maybe we disqualify ourselves by thinking we have nothing worthwhile to say. I believe one of the main ways He speaks to us is through each other. We are a part of a body, after all. Simply letting someone know they’ve been on your heart can be the thing that gives them the courage to take the next step.

He wants to use you as a mouthpiece.

Life and death are in the power of our words. We should be bold and use those words to build each other up. He wants to use you as a mouthpiece to speak life to others. We have a holy mandate to strengthen and encourage the ones He has surrounded us with. To whom is God speaking through you? What part of the body is waiting to be strengthened by your voice?

We are all in this together. {eoa}

Reprinted from NextGen Worship. Hayley Kahler is a proud mother to three boys and wife to Clint Kahler. She loves Jesus, coffee and chocolate. Hayley has led worship with her husband for 20-plus years.

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