Hayley Kahler

  • Your True Source of Healing After Soul-Pounding Abuse

    Your True Source of Healing After Soul-Pounding Abuse

    In light of all of the “Me Too” posts that I have seen on social media recently, I would like to address the subject. First, I have to say how sad I am that so many of my friends have experienced some form of sexual assault or harassment in their lives. I have great hope

  • What You Can Do to Champion Spirit-Filled Moms Around You

    What You Can Do to Champion Spirit-Filled Moms Around You

    I was just watching the new Wonder Woman trailer. I generally like superhero movies, so I’ll probably go watch it. But I find myself wondering why it’s so exciting to watch some woman fight bad guys while wearing the most ridiculously impractical clothes. Granted, none of the male superheroes wear practical outfits either, so at

  • Remember This Truth When You Feel God Isn’t Defending You

    Remember This Truth When You Feel God Isn’t Defending You

    In the midst of heartache, pain and trauma, it is often difficult to see what God is doing. He is the greatest defender, the most magnificent warrior. He is the one who runs after our bondage in a relentless pursuit of our freedom. He never tires of bringing us into a place of healing and

  • Breaking Your Unholy Covenant With Grief

    Breaking Your Unholy Covenant With Grief

    I have spent several years of my life chasing a dream. A dream of living a satisfied life. We needed more money, a different home, a different geography for that different home. I have contemplated going back to school to find a great career, starting my own business, living abroad or heaven help me, just

  • Fight Debilitating Fears With These Solid Truths

    Fight Debilitating Fears With These Solid Truths

    So, after months and months of allowing God to deal with my inner heart issues, my thought processes and my idea of whom He really is, I had a massive mental setback. The effects of this setback have lasted for at least a month. It’s actually a little hard to write about because it is

  • Uprooting the Enemy’s Legalistic Lies in Your Heart

    Uprooting the Enemy’s Legalistic Lies in Your Heart

    Hope has never been a thing that comes easily to me. Neither has the belief that God is good. Actually, that is only partially true. I have believed in His goodness for others, but not His goodness that is aimed toward my life. When Clint and I were engaged, I lived in fear that God

  • The Oft-Overlooked Way Holy Spirit Is Speaking to You

    The Oft-Overlooked Way Holy Spirit Is Speaking to You

    God speaks to us daily, in multiple ways. Sometimes He speaks to us in a powerful encounter. Sometimes He whispers to our hearts in the quiet place. And sometimes it’s through the Word, teaching or worship. But there is one often-overlooked way that God speaks to us. This is in our interaction with each other.

  • Unlocking Your Hidden Creativity for the Kingdom

    Unlocking Your Hidden Creativity for the Kingdom

    I recently saw something on Shawn Bolz’s social media about creativity. “God’s first identity in the Bible was that of a creator, proving that creativity is the main skill set that displays His character. It’s not just for the artists but is used by all innovators, entrepreneurs, politicians, entertainers and even moms.” I have heard

  • Teach Your Child to Worship Willingly With This Scriptural Method

    Teach Your Child to Worship Willingly With This Scriptural Method

    First let me tell you what this is not. It is not a commentary on whether one or both parents should stay at home, work from home or focus on managing family and career. It is not about whether you should or shouldn’t have children, or how many you should have. It is also not

  • Take This Small Step to End Divisive Prejudice in the Church

    Take This Small Step to End Divisive Prejudice in the Church

    God created men and women with unique talents and abilities. His intention was for us to complement each other, unique and different, but with equal value. The misogynistic idea that men are better leaders and more suited to business, while women should remain in the home is terribly wrong. Of equal error is the more

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