Tue. Sep 10th, 2024

Release the Power of God at Your Workplace

business meeting

The couple were distraught because they loved their pet. Denis remembered that John had said something to them about healing, so they looked in the Yellow Pages to see what they could find. They came across a listing for the London Healing Mission, which, unbeknownst to them, was a ministry to street people that actually had nothing to do with physical healing.

They called the number. “Do you heal cats?” they asked, when the minister answered the phone. “Well, I don’t see why not; after all, they are God’s creatures,” he wisely answered. So Denis and his wife wrapped the cat in a blanket and drove clear across London to the mission.

When they arrived they put the cat into the arms of the minister, who had answered the door. “Lord, please touch this little cat,” was all he prayed. Suddenly, the cat leaped from his arms and was perfectly fine.

The couple were saved that night and later became Spirit-filled. God answered our prayer by working through a need they had! He loves to use the situations people find themselves in to reveal Himself to them, if we will release our faith and pray.

Proving God When I was first filled with the Holy Spirit I was working for a company in the West End of London. Up to that point I didn’t have much of a testimony.

But once I became filled with the Holy Spirit, I had the power to witness–and something to witness about. I asked Him to help me evangelize the worldly people I worked with. I knew they were not going to take any notice of what I said, so I needed the Holy Spirit’s demonstration.

My work at the company was in the accounting department, and at the end of every month, we would have to balance the books. Invariably the balances would be “out,” and we would spend several hours–sometimes days–finding the differences and reconciling the accounts.

I seized the opportunity I saw and made an announcement. “When we do the balances, I am going to pray, and the Holy Spirit will show me where my balances are out.”

Everyone looked at me as if I had forgotten to get dressed. But at the end of the first month when we started to reconcile the balances, I sat and prayed and asked God to show me where my accounts were out.

“Oh, Lord,” I said, “I stepped out and told everyone that You are alive and real. I know You want me to have a testimony. Help!” The Holy Spirit whispered in my ear and told me in which section of the accounts to look. In a few minutes I had found the error, and my balances were all OK.

No one said anything. I didn’t say anything either, but the point was made. Every month after that I would sit and pray, and the Lord would tell me where to look. Always within a few minutes my balances were OK. The other employees began to wait for me to pray and got used to seeing God come through.

But settling my accounts was not the only way God revealed Himself to the employees. He began to show me things about them–and released me to confront them.

You see, I wanted to have a testimony when I left that place. I wanted people to know that God is real and that He really does communicate with us today. And I wanted an opportunity to tell them about Jesus. So when God would show me things, I would let the people know that He was “reading their mail.”

The chief salesman was a very worldly man. When the Lord began to show me some things about him, I stepped out in faith.

“Ron,” I said one day when he came into the office for a file, “God showed me that you are selling the company accounts to another company and that you are planning to follow them.”

Ron looked at me with a very open mouth, like a goldfish. He knew he was caught.

“What are you going to do?” he asked.

“Nothing if you bring back the accounts,” I said. He did, and after that he began to keep well away from my desk.

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