Isaiah Saldivar: Keys to Spiritual Authority and Deliverance

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Abby Trivett

Have you ever cast out a demon before?

In a live Bible study interview with Kap Chatfield, Isaiah Saldivar tackled the tough question about how we, as children of God, should interact with deliverance.

The first thing Saldivar makes mention of is that if we actively become part of deliverance ministry, it is not a question but a certainty that people will leave our lives.

Another key point that Saldivar wants people to be aware of is how little the topic of deliverance is actually discussed. It’s something Saldivar says people need as a key to staying out of bondage. What’s more is Saldivar says the training process for Christians to engage in deliverance ministry is necessary because deliverance is not something for one or two people to know how to do. Instead, it’s something God is asking of His children to take part in to set the captives free.

When it comes to setting people free from bondage, Chatfield asked one of the most controversial questions surrounding the ministry of deliverance.

“It’s the most contentious question there is when it comes to deliverance,” Saldivar says. “I do believe one of the devil’s greatest lies he’s given is that Christians don’t need deliverance…so, can a Christian be demon possessed?”

The answer? Saldivar says absolutely not.

“There’s no possible way a Christian could be demon possessed,” Saldivar says.

Saldivar dives deeper into what this actually means. A Christian cannot be possessed, as in owned, by a demon. However, Saldivar makes it clear that the demonic can still try to influence a believer. While there are lots of theological debates about proper terminology, methods and beliefs about how deliverance ministry should be carried out, Chatfield and Saldivar both note that Christians should be aware of any open doors in their lives to the enemy.

Wherever you stand on the nuanced details of deliverance ministry, it’s key to understand that there is a spiritual realm and the devil exists to steal, kill and destroy. Only through Christ can we be totally transformed and set free.

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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