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10 Keys to Dealing with Difficult People

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Vladimir Savchuk

Read Time: 1 Minute 44 Seconds

Jesus suffered at the hands of sinners, toxic people, religious people and difficult people.

As His followers, we can learn from Him how to handle these situations better.

  • Jesus prayed beforehand (Matt. 26:44).

A lifestyle of prayer imparts the grace to handle difficult situations in a way that glorifies God and doesn’t destroy us.

  • Jesus caused others to marvel because of His silence (Mark 14:61).

Staying silent is sometimes the best response when dealing with difficult people. Read James 1:19.

  • Jesus took the beating.

Drink the cup of suffering in Jesus’ name with help from the Comforter. Read 2 Timothy 2:3.

  • Jesus poured out His heart to the Father (Mark 15:34b).

You too can express your doubts, fears, complaints, and question things before the Father when you endure agony.

  • Jesus forgave before they apologized (Luke 23:34).

Betrayal is what people do to us; bitterness is what we do to ourselves when we don’t forgive quickly. Read Ephesians 4:26b.

  • Jesus responded to the Father, He did not react to people (Luke 23:46; Mark 15:30).

Jesus’ actions were in response to His Father’s will. Respond to the Father; don’t react to people.

  • Jesus ministered while suffering.

He didn’t give up on people because people hurt him.

Don’t let pain stop your purpose. Minister to people in their pain.

  • Jesus received ministry from others, like Mary, angels, Joseph and Nicodemus.

The devil will use people to hurt you, but God will use people to minster, help and heal you.

  • Jesus didn’t associate with the Pharisees after His resurrection.

You can’t blame people for your unhappiness if you don’t set distance and boundaries with toxic people.

  • Jesus rose again, so will you.

Difficult seasons end. Difficult people might repent.

People will afflict you, but your greatest ministry and pleasures will also involve people.

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Vladimir Savchuk leads the HungryGen movement and pastors a multi-cultural church with a clear-cut, focused vision to see the salvation of souls, healing, deliverance and the raising of young leaders. He leads the annual Raised to Deliver conference which attract thousands from all over the globe. He leads three different internships. He is a sought after speaker at conferences and camps.

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