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This Key Weapon in Spiritual Warfare Gets Results Pt. 2

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Curt Landry

This article first appeared on Curt Landry Ministries.

*Note: This is the second of a two-part series. You can view the first part here.

3. What Are the Promises to Believers Who Stand with Israel?

If standing with Israel is important to God, what are some biblical promises to a believer who stands with Israel?

Well, one of the things Paul says in Romans 11:25,

  • “For I desire, brethren, that you should not be ignorant of this mystery.”

First, anytime you’re ignorant of a mystery or God’s ways, you’re perishing for lack of knowledge. So you need to understand if you’re going to believe that Israel is God’s time clock, and Jerusalem is the plumb bob from out of the Courts of Heaven to earth; it lands in Jerusalem. Then so goes Jerusalem, and so goes the nation.

And we need to understand what he meant when he wrote, “So I desire, brethren, that you should not be ignorant of this mystery lest you should become wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the Gentiles have come in.” It says the fullness of the Gentiles.

So there’s a season where God has blinded the Jewish people, and now He’s taking the scales off their eyes, just like He took off your eyes for you to be able to believe in Him. So then, you need to be in sync with what God is doing in Israel, and you can see what He’s doing in Israel right now.

It’d be very difficult to say that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is not real, or blessing Israel.

  • It’d be very hard. All you have to do is get a history book and look at the pictures of Israel in, let’s say, 1940 to 1950, and understand that Israel became a state in 1948.
  • And then look at the modern-day pictures now. If you look at the prosperity, the technology, the Pulitzer prizes and all the things that have happened, you can’t deny the truth about God or Israel.
  • I’m a Jewish person, and I’m proud to be Jewish, and I’m proud of my people, but I can tell you this, we didn’t do it.
  • You can’t fly over Israel and look down and see the return of the trees and the return of the food and the return of the rain, and then the people returning from the four corners of the earth, and not say, “You know what? This is God.”
  • The return of the language is a miracle.

So we need not be ignorant of that mystery, and we need to be able to stand with that.

The Blessings and Promises Available to Believers Who Stand with Israel

I think the nine blessings of Passover, according to Exodus 23, describe the promises and blessings for those who stand with Israel. We watch the people who have been with us from the beginning; they’re so blessed and prospering. We’ve been celebrating Passover for nearly 20 years now.

When you do it God’s way…

  • He’ll bless you coming in
  • He’ll bless you going out
  • He’ll bless you in the city
  • He’ll bless you in every way
  • No harm shall come near your dwelling

Go to Deuteronomy 28. There are about 17 blessings there. God says…

  • I’ll bless you coming in
  • I’ll bless you going out
  • I’ll bless you in the city and the country
  • I’ll bless the food in your basket

To further answer this question, we need to go to Malachi.

So when you bring your tithes in offering and the Lord actually has you bring your offering of Judah and Jerusalem to make it pleasant as in the days of old, see Malachi 3:4. This would be one of the ways you’re blessing Israel because you’re celebrating the Feast of Passover.

Malachi 3:10 says, “‘Bring all your tithes into the storehouse that you may have food enough in My house, and try Me now in this…”

This comes out of the Old Testament. This is an ancient principle of tithe and offering. It says, “If I will not open up the windows of heaven,” so you’re standing and blessing Israel. God’s going to open the windows of heaven. He’s going to pour out such a blessing there’s not room enough to receive it. He said, “I’ll rebuke the devourer.” It’s a great spiritual warfare tool.

And He says, “‘So that he [enemy or the weather or whatever, or plagues or bugs] won’t destroy the fruit of your ground, nor shall your vine fail to bear fruit in the field,’ says the Lord of hosts; ‘and all the nations will call you blessed…'”

Blessed actually translates to “you’ll have favor, and you’ll be a delightful land.” This is doing it God’s way and blessing Israel. That would be some of the blessings released when standing with Israel.

4. Can You Lead Us in a Prayer of Repentance?

Can you lead us in a prayer of repentance for what we’ve misunderstood about the significance of Israel today?


“Father God, in the name of Yeshua, I repent on behalf of myself or anybody in my family line because the curse goes back four generations. Father God, I ask You to cleanse my family line from any anti-Semitism, replacement theology or places where we have cursed the Jewish people.

“I ask by the blood of Jesus in the Courts of Heaven right now, that You would expunge and remove those iniquitous structures of curing the Jewish people in Israel out of my family like and out of the books of heaven, in Yeshua’s name. Father God, we cry out Abba Father, and ask for Your mercy and forgiveness.”

5. What Is Happening in Israel That We Should Be Praying About?

What is happening in Israel right now that we should be celebrating, and what should we be praying about?

Right now, Israel has a very strong conservative government with Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Finance. All these are people that we’re friendly with at Curt Landry Ministries. And so my prayer would be this…


“Father God, in the midst of having to correct a lot of the liberal decisions that have caused problems and weakened the Abraham Accords, Father God, we ask for wisdom and knowledge for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others who are in the new Knesset and the government. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and we decree that may they prosper who love you, and may they have peace within their palaces.

“And may we say for our brethren’s sake, shalom shalom, to Jerusalem and all of Israel. Shalom shalom means nothing broken, nothing missing. And Father God, I just ask that Your peace is upon Israel and peace be upon all those who pray for Israel, and may they prosper and have peace within their palaces.

“And we lift up your man, Benjamin Netanyahu, and we thank You, Lord, for giving him health and protecting Sarah and the boys and his family and giving them shalom. Thank You, Lord, for the unity amongst the Knesset members to do that which is written in the book and that which is written in heaven. Lord, help them to be anointed to restore biblical prophetic grounding and healthy Christian and Jewish Zionism, which means that, Lord, we will believe and pray in the courts according to Your words and Your covenant purposes for Israel, the Jewish people and the non-Jewish people. Lord, may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, in Yeshua’s name.”

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Curt Landry, founder of Curt Landry Ministries, and his wife, Christie, travel extensively, preaching and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Together, their passion is to empower families to live and leave Kingdom legacies and understand their own personal heritage.

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