
The Life-Changing Effects of Morning Prayer

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Vlad Savchuck

Many consider themselves night owls. However, the habit of waking up early has positive life-altering domino effects.

  • God gave Israel manna to be gathered in the morning (Ex. 16:4).

This manna that Israel gathered every morning sustained them in the wilderness. While on earth, you can experience God’s strengthening every morning, simply gather it.

  • Jesus prayed early in the morning (Mark 1:35).

We should follow Jesus’ example. I believe that morning prayer was His connection to the Father.

  • David encouraged early morning encounters with God (Ps. 5:3, 119:147).

David was telling God to expect him early in the morning. Can the same thing be said about you?

Men of God Who Spoke About Praying in the Morning

E.M. Bound, a man of prayer once said, “The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on their knees…If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day.”

  • Praying in the morning puts God first in your day (Matt. 6:33).

Jesus said to prioritize seeking Him, and when we do, all else will be added. If you do, you’ll notice that your day will be more productive, and you’ll feel more peace in your heart.

  • Secret place is the secret to success ( 2 Kings 4:4, Matt. 6:6).

In 2 Kings 4:4, the woman’s issue was solved behind closed doors. Jesus instructed us pray in secret.

What are you doing behind closed doors? What if you were to tackle your problems by closing the door behind you and pouring your heart out before the Father?

Wake up early and find a place to commune with the Holy Spirit. You will notice that this habit influences your day and changes you.

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Vladimir Savchuk leads the HungryGen movement and pastors a multi-cultural church with a clear-cut, focused vision to see the salvation of souls, healing, deliverance and the raising of young leaders. He leads the annual Raised to Deliver conference which attract thousands from all over the globe. He leads three different internships. He is a sought-after speaker at conferences and camps. Visit his YouTube channel here.

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