Vlad Savchuck

  • 5 Important Roles of a Biblical Wife

    According to the Bible, here are 5 main roles of a Christian wife. 1. As a partner who rules over creation (Gen. 1:27-28) Scripture doesn’t say that a wife is to rule over her husband, nor that the wife is to be ruled by her husband. She was made to be a partner and together

  • 8 Traits God Expects from Husbands

    Here are eight things God expects from husbands in order to experience His blessings in marriage. 1. Pursue God. Pursuing Jesus does not automatically designate the husband as “more spiritual.” It shows his need for God and Scripture. 2. Be a provider. Paul says, “He who does not provide for his own is worse than

  • How a Christian Gains Life by Choosing Death

    How a Christian Gains Life by Choosing Death

    God gives us a new life in Christ by making our spirit come alive through the supernatural work of salvation. We’re saved so we can introduce Jesus to others, but how do we transfer the new life in us out into the world? From Your Spirit—Through Your Soul—Into Your Life I am a spirit, who

  • Fasting is Feasting on God

    Fasting is Feasting on God

    When I am fasting, the Lord reminds me that my body’s hunger is what my spirit feels when I don’t consume spiritual food. Food and drink for our spirit is a necessity (Psalm 42:2, Matthew 5:6). Humanity’s First Temptation In the garden, the first temptation was with food. Jesus’s first temptation in the wilderness was

  • The Life-Changing Effects of Morning Prayer

    The Life-Changing Effects of Morning Prayer

    Many consider themselves night owls. However, the habit of waking up early has positive life-altering domino effects. God gave Israel manna to be gathered in the morning (Ex. 16:4). This manna that Israel gathered every morning sustained them in the wilderness. While on earth, you can experience God’s strengthening every morning, simply gather it. Jesus prayed

  • How to Get the Bible Inside of You

    How to Get the Bible Inside of You

    If you had fed your body the same way you fed your spirit in the last 12 months, would you be here today? Here are a few tips for your spirit man to grow by learning to harbor the Word of God within you. Read It (Matt. 12:3) – Jesus expected people to read the

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