How You Can Discern ‘Evil-Empowered’ Tongues and Avoid Them

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Shawn Akers

While a student at filmmaking school I was so busy that I couldn’t take phone calls for a few weeks. On my phone during that time was a voice message from someone I know who does not currently serve the Lord.

The message went on for a minute in a spiritual language that was not beautiful. I immediately discerned a false spirit. The clicks and the clacks were annoying to my ear. The message then switched to English and had a number of vulgarities in it I will not repeat nor put on the computer screen.

Unfortunately, the individual leaving the message on my phone has become part of a satanic motorcycle “cult.” Its leader, in one way or another, influences the members of the cult to speak in false tongues. Some of their constituents attribute this to Eastern religions such as Hinduism while others profess satanism.

The satanism the “cult” professes is not modern-day satanism espoused by the late Anton La Vey that you are your own god and that the rituals and ceremonies such as black masses are worship of self—represented in Satan. But the false tongues emerged from worshipping the devil as a spiritual being.

As Christians we know greater is He (Jesus), who is in us than he (the devil) who is in the world as Jesus has overcome the world and evil systems (John 15:33, 1 John 4:4). As Christians we know the baptism with the Holy Spirit equips us to be better witnesses for Jesus everywhere we go. The spiritual prayer language that is part of it edifies us, drawing us closer to God as we pray and worship Him with the gift of tongues. It is a beautiful and incredible spiritual gift from God that is available for all who call on the name of the Lord unlike evil tongues.

The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10), so he counterfeits spiritual gifts. As an imposter, the enemy distorts and perverts spiritual gifts, making them glorify man or point people to false gods and demonic practices. Historically, the Oracle at Delphi gave false prophecies and spoke in counterfeit tongues. Plato even wrote about people speaking in ecstatic language needing interpretation. Early Mormonism included the practice of some form of laying on of hands and spiritual languages. Yet the source of any of these was not the Holy Spirit. They were false spirits, lying and deceptive spirits, just like the satanic tongues I mentioned above.

Perhaps someone reading this came to Christ but left a religion or cult practicing some form of evil empowered tongues. You may have had times where you spoke in false tongues when you were part of them, but you are now desiring the fullness of the Holy Spirit in Christ. I want to encourage you that you are redeemed, you are a child of God. Continue building your relationship with Jesus.

But perhaps you have questions about the baptism with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. Maybe you have an aversion to it because of prior experience yet you want more of God in your life. Here’s how to know the evil tongues are broken off and that you will receive the true, beautiful and incredible spiritual prayer language to worship Jesus and be a Spirit empowered witness for Him:

Start playing your favorite worship music and spend time in surrender to Jesus. Take as much time as you need. Here are steps to renouncing evil tongues and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. Pray these prayers out loud.

Repent: “Jesus, here I am. I surrender to You. Will You forgive me of my sins? I agree with Your Word and turn my heart, mind, will, emotions and everything to You. I am sorry for my sin, and I turn to You in repentance.”

Renounce: “As I surrender to You, in the name of Jesus I renounce my sins, I renounce all evil. In the Name of Jesus I renounce involvement in the cult and speaking in evil tongues. In the all powerful Name of Jesus, I renounce________ (name the sins/evil practices).

Renew: “I recommit my life to You. Jesus is Lord, Jesus is King and ruler of my life. I worship You alone.”

Refresh: “Will You fill me with Your precious Holy Spirit? I accept the gift and power of the Holy Spirit. By faith I receive Your filling. Thank You Jesus for being the baptizer with the Holy Spirit and filling me up.”

Release: As you worship Jesus, when syllables or words you have never heard before come to your mind, whether you see it in my mind or hear it in your spiritual ears, speak them out, over and over. More words will flow. You can pray this, “Jesus, I release my tongue to You, and I partner with the Holy Spirit. As You touch me, I speak praises to You. In Jesus’ name, I bless You … (begin speaking in this amazing gift as you speak out the syllables, words or phrases He has given you in the language you’ve never heard or spoken in before. Continue repeating and releasing more words for however long He works in you.

Rejoice: Give Him thanks and praise, adoring and being grateful to Him. Then spend time with Jesus every day, praying and worshipping Him and praying in the incredible spiritual gift of tongues.

If you have questions or need resources for more information on the power of the Holy Spirit, download our new free resource, “3 Secrets to Dialoguing with the Holy Spirit.” {eoa}

Jared and Rochelle Laskey co-founded Fireborn Ministries to teach believers how to live a daily Spirit-empowered life. You can find their resources and learn more about their ministry on They also have e-courses such as “Entry Level Prophecy,” “The Last Days,” “The Baptism with the Holy Spirit” and more on and the popular podcast, Adventures in the Spirit, available anywhere you listen to podcasts. Listen to this podcast episode on the baptism with the Holy Spirit: Charisma Podcast Network, Apple, Spotify, Google or anywhere you listen to podcasts.

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