Have You Ever Experienced the Absence of God?

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Shawn Akers

We live in a world that has become increasingly hostile to Christianity, the Bible and anything defined by God as morally pure, innocent and good. There has been an attack on the Word of God and Christianity since the church began.

The goal by ungodly people is to remove all mention of Jesus Christ and the Bible from our lives. Here in America, we have not suffered like our brothers and sisters in other nations, but the persecution in this country is definitely increasing. During the Tribulation, the world will experience just a taste of what it will be like to have no godly influence in the earth.

Have you ever experienced the absence of God? It is far worse than words can describe. Every day, we take for granted the good we experience in this life. We can move and walk because the blessing of health comes from God. Every breath we take also comes from God. The sunshine, the fresh air, relationships with people we love, sleep, food, flowers, our pets and more are all possible because of the goodness of God.

I actually experienced a small piece of a world that exists right now, down deep in the earth, that is completely absent of God and His influence. I spent 23 Minutes in Hell. It is far worse than words can describe.

The absence of God is almost impossible to fully grasp because of the good life we have here. The good we experience is because God allows us to enjoy it while we are here on the earth.

However, for the people who say they want nothing to do with God, there is a place prepared that has nothing to do with His goodness. God is in all places and sees all; however, none of His goodness exists in hell. Sadly, there are many who will find out what it truly feels like to experience the absence of God because of their continued rejection of Jesus Christ. {eoa}

Bill Wiese is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, 23 Minutes In Hell, the story of his life-changing visit to hell in 1998. Bill has since authored six additional book titles and continues to share his experience around the world. He and his wife, Annette, founded Soul Choice Ministries in late 2006 and have dedicated their lives to reaching the unsaved. For more information about Bill Wiese and Soul Choice Ministries, please visit us at: soulchoiceministries.org/. Find more of Bill’s teachings at: youtube.com/user/BillWieseTV. Tune into this episode of Bill Wiese’s podcast, 23 Minutes in Hel,l titled The Absence of God.

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