Truthful Hearts

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Rod Parsley

Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom. —Psalm 51:6

God wants nothing less than complete honesty from us. The word in Hebrew for “truth” is amet. It means to be totally honest and transparent. Who we are on the outside is to be absolutely consistent with who we are inside. He who comes to God with the acknowledgment of his sin comes in truth—a sinner saved by grace. His grace requires nothing more than truth from the truly repentant.

A sincere heart is not a perfect heart, a holy heart, or even one dedicated to service—it is a heart willing to reveal itself just as it is and nothing more.

You need not be afraid of shocking God. There is nothing about you He does not already know. Even the hairs of your head are numbered.

Be honest with God. He who searches the hearts of men will never withhold His grace and mercy from you.

Jesus, I embrace Your truth and Your ways. Make me
totally transparent to You. I desire to serve You
alone. Guide and direct me in all truth,
I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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