Transforming Life

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Rod Parsley

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,-.-.-.-and ye are not your own? —1 CORINTHIANS 6:19

When you were born again, the Spirit of God took up residence in you, and He imparted His very nature and being into your spirit. God left the man-made Holy of Holies and made you, the born-again believer, the temple of His presence.

You are in vital union with the Father. You have life in you today to transform your marriage, your relationship with your children, and your finances. There is life in you right now to heal your body. “In him was life; and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4). Take hold of this powerful truth today and begin to express His life.

We have been built up a holy habitation of the Lord, and He is building His dwelling place out of living stones. As His tabernacle, the presence of God goes wherever you go. You can bring those around you into His presence at any time and in any place. You bring life, healing, power, and deliverance into the lives of others through His indwelling presence. Is Jesus touching others through you?

Jesus, indwell me and overflow me touching all those
around me. Teach me how to keep
my temple holy for You. Amen.

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