Three Crosses of Sin

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Rod Parsley

Where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst. —John 19:18

Historians of Jesus’ day tell us crucifixions were common. Hundreds at a time would be crucified when the Romans came into a new region.

But on this day in infamy there were only three-.-.-.-not the usual thirty or a hundred. Only two were sentenced to die with Jesus. The Roman guards would not even have time to finish the task before the Passover celebration began.

There were three crosses. The cross in the middle bore the One who died for sin; another bore the one who died to sin; and the third bore the one who died in sin. Although both criminals originally railed Jesus, one asked for forgiveness and Jesus promised that man a home in Paradise. The other ridiculed His choice and now is spending eternity in hell.

Jesus died for your sins, but have you died to sin for Him? If you want to live, you must die. Surrender at the Cross of Calvary today. Lay down every treasure and every burden at the foot of the Cross. Nail every sin and every expectation to the Cross.

Jesus, at the foot of Your Cross I lay down my burdens,
my expectations, my successes, and my failures.
Wash me clean with Your blood, and fill me with Your Spirit. Amen.

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