Wed. Jan 8th, 2025

The Nazirite Vow and Why It Matters for America

Prayerful surrender

“In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judg. 21:25, ESV).

What happens to a nation when there is no king in the land? The land is filled with utter chaos. Chaos is “complete confusion and disorder: a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything.” Looking back through history, one can see national chaos is the result of rejecting the kingship of God.

In Israel’s case, this resulted in no longer fighting the Lord’s battles and turning to other gods to secure blessings. They abandoned God’s law and became oppressed as a nation.

Does this sound familiar? Our Founding Fathers birthed a nation that was, just as Israel, one in covenant with Yahweh. The question I have resounding in my heart once again is, “America, where are your Nazirites?” Where are the ones who will embrace restraint, who revere the kingship of their God? It’s growing louder and louder and cannot be ignored. We need order; we need a King in our land!

From the very beginning, there has been a permanent war between Satan and “the woman” (Gen. 3:15). This is because of the promise made by God Himself—that her offspring would crush the head of the enemy. The enemy of mankind strives so hard to create a culture which accepts the murder of the weakest and most vulnerable members of society so that he can eliminate the ones who will crush his head.

From the beginning of humanity until this present day, this struggle is being played out in the hearts and history of mankind: choose life or choose the way of death. This war against women is not just a physical war against women pressured into abortion; it is a battle for the heart and mind of the bride of Christ. What can we do as ones who consider ourselves His bride and have made a covenant with the Lord? How can we right the wrongs and bring forth the offspring that crushes the head of our enemy?

I’m moved by the life of Hannah in 1 Samuel and her desire to be a mother. She was barren and, to make things worse, her “rival” Peninnah was very fruitful and flaunted it to Hannah to irritate her (1 Sam 1:6). This went on year after year, causing Hannah to weep much and ultimately leading her to make a vow. She vowed to the Lord that if He gave her a son she would give the son back to the Lord for all the days of his life. Hannah vowed that her son would be a Nazirite.

The Nazirite Vow is found in Numbers 6. It is a special vow of consecration to the Lord, an act of total devotion. Why would she make such a vow? Did she sense the lack of fully devoted people in the land? Did she know the effect such a decision could have to begin turning her nation back to God? Was she willing to be the answer to laments she may have heard through all of Israel? Did she already have the heart of a mother—the heart that God was looking for to bring forth healing in the land (Mal 4:6)?

Hannah loved the Lord and valued life. She knew the value of her own life and the value God placed on her desires; she knew the life of her offspring would bring forth greatness. Her barrenness drove her to fast and pray. Her war with her enemy didn’t drive her to hopelessness, fear or doubt. Year after year and delay after delay, unanswered prayer after unanswered prayer, desperation was produced and a “whatever it takes” vow came forth.

God answered. She gave birth to holy offspring and called him Samuel, “because I asked the Lord for him” (1 Sam. 1:20, NIV). She kept her vow and gave him to the Lord for his whole life. Samuel grew in the ways of the Lord. He became a prophet, judge and a deliverer. He ordained a king for the people of Israel. This king, David, ushered in God’s presence and restored the reverence of God to its rightful place. He led the people of Israel to recognize the kingship of God.

We as a nation and as individuals are being brought to a place of desperation. We have to ask ourselves if we are okay with the laws of the land, the chaos and the wrongs. Are we okay with the barrenness? If we aren’t, what are we willing to do? Are we ready to fast and pray like Hannah, persevering through rejection and unfulfilled expectation? Are we ready to be consecrated people without compromise or wavering—a Nazirite generation? I say we are! God needs a few Hannahs to ask the Lord for a blessing and kingly anointing to be restored to our land.

I’m calling those men and women, young and old alike, with a heart like Hannah’s to ask the Lord for our offspring, America’s offspring, physical and spiritual. Let’s be the ones who birth these Nazirites through prayer and usher in the glory of God! Let’s be the ones who can call forth sons of God, saying, “Because I asked the Lord for them.” We know that God will give us what we ask. I believe America will see her Nazirites, and the kingship of God will be established in the land once again!

We vow to be bound for life. We want our king in the land!

Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America.

Laura Aguillard partners with her husband Stephen pastoring their local church in Reserve, Louisiana. She leads the local Bound4LIFE chapter and also serves as principal of Lifehouse Daniel Academy.

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