The Key Factor in Releasing Deliverance in Your Life

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Beverly Tucker

God intended the practice of healing and deliverance to be foundational in the church for all time.

When deliverance is released into a person’s life, he or she begins to experience healing from the inside out. Many times people deal with unresolved memories and pain, which manifest in the physical body as sickness and disease. This can also result in mental torment; however, it can be taken care of through deliverance, silencing the tormenting voices of the enemy.

The most important factor in deliverance is true repentance. The more we are surrendered to God, the deeper our repentance. This allows God to do a deeper work within our lives. An unrepentant attitude or half-hearted repentance gives the enemy legal right to stay and wreak havoc in our lives and the lives of our families. Pray: “Lord, grant me repentance.”

I believe deliverance is for our generation. Generational iniquity is one of the deepest-rooted works of darkness. When we break free, our families will begin to break free, and the plans of the enemy will be aborted in our lives. God’s destiny for us will be free to flourish.

Much of the lukewarm attitudes and dysfunction in the church today is because Satan has succeeded in removing deliverance from the church. The church has gone to sleep, especially in America. It’s time to arise and bring the commission of Jesus Christ back to the church.

“These signs will accompany those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:17-18).

For more on how you can safeguard the body of Christ against the attacks of the enemy, listen to Setting the Captives Free on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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