Spreading The Illegal Gospel

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Felicia Mann


As a Christian, when is it legal
to break the law? The oft-controversial practice of Bible smuggling has
long been the means for which Christians in countries averse to the
gospel have received the written Word of God. 

In countries such as China, Iran or
other places where religious persecution abounds and Bibles are rare,
Christians are given one page of Scripture to memorize before they pass
it along to another believer. Some pastors don’t have full Bibles to
teach with. 

Vision Beyond Borders leads teams of
people with Bibles hidden in backpacks and luggage into countries closed
to the gospel. All the while, they pray that the holy book will not be
confiscated and can reach Christians who need them. Many have seen God
move in miraculous ways to get Bibles through customs. 

Dyann Romeijm, the regional coordinator
for Vision Beyond Borders says: “There are lots of stories where God
blinds eyes and just makes a way.” 

Following are a few stories from Vision
Beyond Borders teams who have watched as God miraculously provided a way
for the Bible to enter countries where Christianity is persecuted.
Because we don’t want to jeopardize those believers traveling to these
locations in the future, we’ve chosen not to  identify specific nations.

Darkness lit the way … Shortly
after a team with Vision Beyond Borders arrived at the customs office,
the electricity went out, causing the X-ray machines to stop
working. The team knew they needed a miracle to get the Bibles through
because the agents started inspecting bags by hand. As the team began to
pray, four large tour buses arrived, and people started flooding the
customs office. The overwhelmed agents stopped checking bags and started
waving people through.  As the team left the building, the power came
back on!

Lost in translation … A
Japanese man was attempting to pass through customs in front of the
team. Because the customs agent did not know Japanese, this man had a
difficult time understanding the agent’s instructions. Instead of
putting his bag through the X-ray machine, he thought the agent wanted
him to put himself through the X-ray machine. The scene created such a
distraction with other agents laughing and talking that the team was
able to simply walk through with their Bibles. 

The overlooked blessing  … A
team was detained and questioned extensively for more than 3-1/2
hours. Team members were asked very personal questions that were
repeated over and over. As the agents discussed the team’s answers, the
group prayed quietly. When the inspectors finished their discussion,
they simply left the room—and the team was able to pick up their bags
and walk out! Their luggage was never inspected.

Survey Says:

80% of believers tithe every time they’re paid 

According to an unscientific poll of tithers who visited charismamag.com

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