Secrets to Retaining What God Imparts to You

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Matt Sorger

You don't have to lose what God gives you.

Have you ever experienced God in a powerful way only to slip back into “life as usual”?

It doesn’t have to be that way! You can go from glory to glory, anointing to anointing, breakthrough to breakthrough.

God wants to pour Himself into you in such a way that not only do you keep what He gives, but you can see His presence and anointing continually increase in your life.

Here’s a key to seeing this happen. Realize that your spirit is a well. Out of your innermost being will flow rivers of living water. Just like you can dig a well in the natural, you can dig a well in your spirit. The deeper you dig your well, the more you will be able to sustain what God imparts into your life. A visitation of God doesn’t have to be momentary.

We all have those special moments where God encounters us in a heightened way. Maybe it’s in a church meeting, or in a special time of prayer. Maybe it’s during a special weekend retreat or conference. Then you go back to your “normal” life on Monday.

What many people don’t understand is how to take what God did in that special moment of encounter and see it become a part of their daily life and experience with God.

Here’s one important thing to remember: You dig your well during your private time with God.

How Do You Do That?

Read the Word—it will wash you, reveal to you the nature of God, transform your mind and soul and empower your spirit.

Worship Him in private—this will cultivate the tangible anointing and presence of God within you. It will stir up the impartation you received from God in a meeting.

Commune with Him through prayer—talk to God. Make your requests in prayer. But don’t let it end there. Spend time waiting on Him and allow Him to share His thoughts and heart with you. This can happen through the Word or through an inner prompting of His voice.

As you cultivate your private well, you will be able to sustain every anointing He imparts into your life.

Encounters with God do not have to be momentary. They can become a part of your daily life! {eoa}

Matt Sorger, author, prophetic messenger, revivalist, healing evangelist, teacher, television host and philanthropist has served in full-time ministry for over 23 years spanning over 200 nations of the Earth through travel and media ministry. He hosts a weekly teaching program titled Power for Life. Matt moves in a unique anointing that fills entire rooms with the tangible glory of God with many healed, set free and empowered. He teaches believers how to live a life saturated with the glory of God and brings a great balance between authentic, supernatural encounter and solid biblical truth. He reaches cities and regions by partnering with and impacting local churches to see a great breakthrough of the Holy Spirit.

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