Rest Assured

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Rod Parsley

And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. —2 Timothy 4:18

The Israelites suffered under the hand of the Egyptians for years. They feared they would never be delivered from the hand of their oppressor.

When they left Egypt, God was with them. He not only delivered them but also restored them. Psalm 105:37 confirms God’s Word to them saying, “There was not one feeble person among their tribes” when they left. Do not fear the world or the things of this world. Don’t look at God as if He trembles when the enemy approaches.

Rest assured that He is able to turn your promise into a fact (Romans 4:21). If God’s Word says you are going to be right in the center of a miracle, count on it.

The God who delivers you and keeps you from the enemy is present with you now. Reassure yourself by confessing His indwelling presence (John 14:16-17). Reassure yourself by speaking His Word from

2 Timothy 4:18.

Lord Jesus, You will deliver me from every evil work, and
will preserve me until I reach heaven. To You
be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

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