Proving Creationism … Under Water

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Felicia Mann


Have you ever stood seaside and
quietly watched the elegant waves and the majestic aquatic life? What
you see, smell and hear can all be evidence of God as the creator.
That’s the philosophy of Christian dive professional Tec Clark, who
founded a Christian snorkel and dive ministry in 2008. He uses the
ocean’s symbiotic landscape to prove creationism.

Since starting Reef Ministries, he’s
led hundreds of amateur and professional snorkel and dive tours on a
glass-bottom boat into the deep blue sea. At the beginning of every
excursion, he uses Scripture and science to enlighten visitors about the
case for creationism. Despite traditional aquatic academics, which
espouse evolution, Clark explains that a Creator could be the only
source of the synergy found among ocean beings. He then presents charts,
graphs and other research to support his bold assertions.

The common assertion in marine biology
is that it’s taken millions of years for coral reefs to grow; but Clark
says that there are areas of the world, such as Bikini Atoll, where
reefs have grown six inches per year. He surmises they might not be
growing as fast in other areas due to environmental factors such as
global warming and acid rain. He admits no one knows all the answers,
including evolutionists, and that it’s a matter of ideology. 

The 30-year dive professional has held
prominent positions in the industry as the Director of the University of
Florida advanced diving program and the head of the National Diving
YMCA scuba program. All of his education and experience could never
explain the intricacies found among the fish, reefs and sea particles.
It wasn’t until he found Christ that the splendor of the ocean made
sense to him.

“I realized there’s got to be a difference here; there needs to be a voice championing a Creator,” Clark says. 

Clark seeks to show his dive
participants what he’s discovered, and people often tell him they’ve
never felt closer to God than when they are underwater.

“Seeing the beauty, the diversity, the
color, the splendor, the balance, the design—all of that is truly the
thumbprint of our Creator,” Clark says.

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