Our Father Has a Plan

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Rod Parsley

And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-Jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen. —Genesis 22:14

God’s plan is to establish your future and to do you no harm (Jeremiah 29:11). Just as He provided the ram to take Isaac’s place in Genesis 22:8, God the Father provided God the Son to take your place.

Jehovah-Jireh, “the One who provides,” sent Jesus to be our mediator (Hebrews 8:6), our guarantee (Hebrews 7:22) and our messenger (Malachi 3:1) of the covenant.

You are not bound to this world system. What your boss or the banking system has planned for you has nothing to do with your Father’s plan.

Decide which kingdom you are living in, and be determined to obey the King. In God’s kingdom there are no limits. He can bring the increase to break the yoke of poverty, and He can deliver you from every sickness and infirmity. Thank Him today for His plan for you and your family.

I thank You, Father, for the good plan
you have for my life and my family. I
pray for Your guidance and direction
in living out Your plan. Amen.

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