Kingdom Vision

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Rod Parsley

He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. —Matthew 16:15-16

When Peter called Jesus “the Son of the living God,” he was saying, “You are the king; this is Your kingdom. You are in control. Everything You say will come to pass. No person can deny You. No devil can withstand You! No circumstance can stop You!

“You are the healer, deliverer, redeemer, the one who ransoms, the lily of the valley, and the bright and morning star. You are hope to the hopeless and help to the helpless. You are a father to the orphan and a husband to the widow! To those who walk the dark night, You are the bright, morning star, the light of the world! You are the Anointed One whom Israel has sung songs about for four thousand years! You are the King of kings and the Prince of Peace! You are who we have hoped for, sung for, prophesied for, believed for, and waited for!”

Who do you say He is? Speak out His name and give Him praise for all that He has done for you.

I praise You, Lord Jesus. You have redeemed my
life from the pit and have set me on solid ground.
You are my hope and my redeemer.
How I praise Your name. Amen.


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