Kingdom Living

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Rod Parsley

Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son. —Colossians 1:13

When the children of Israel were poised to enter the Promised Land, God told them to go in, possess the land, and dwell therein.

For us as Christians, the Promised Land means crossing from the natural into the supernatural realm. God has called us to come out of the kingdom of the world and to come into the kingdom of God. He calls us to walk by faith and not by sight.

The kingdom of God has different laws from our old kingdom, and we must learn to operate in them. Jesus said in Matthew 5:19 that those who both do and teach God’s laws in the Old Testament “shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” God’s commands are His blueprint for successful kingdom living.

Praise Him today for giving us the Holy Spirit, who enables us to live above condemnation and to grow in obedience to God’s commands (Romans 8:1-39).

Jesus, I praise You for taking me from the
kingdom of darkness into Your kingdom
of light. Teach me to operate by faith
and not by sight. Amen.

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