King of Kings

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Rod Parsley

He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David. —Luke 1:32

The book of Revelation shows us the Jesus who will fulfill Gabriel’s prophecy given to Mary in Luke 1:32. We are not serving a baby in a manger or a dead man on a Cross. We serve a Jesus who is greater than any expression we can devise for Him. He is coming back in glory very soon with the armies of heaven, to claim His throne.

The Gospels describe only the brief time Jesus lived on the earth as the Son of Man, but Revelation describes Jesus as He is now. The Book of Revelation is not the revelation of religion; it is the revelation of Jesus Christ. The same Jesus, whose birth we celebrate during the Christmas season, is the victorious warrior who in righteousness “doth judge and make war” (Revelation 19:11).

Rejoice this Christmas season in the revelation of Jesus Christ—our soon coming King.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus, not as a baby but as the
King of kings and Lord of lords. Come back for
Your Church. Come back for your saints.
Come back for me. Amen.

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