How to Cast Out Your Frustration in the Name of Jesus

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Jenny Rose Curtis

Have you ever been frustrated? Most believers find it hard to admit they are frustrated with the way things have been going in their lives. Most find it difficult to admit they are angry. After years of following my faith in the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, I realized that I had been hiding all three of these emotions.

I had been taught to cast them out in Jesus’ name or speak life into the situation or say affirmations every morning. Everything but admit to God how I truly felt and why I needed His help to understand why this was happening so I could see things His way.

I had problems with waiting. I suffered from loneliness. I struggled with being financially strapped. I didn’t understand why I was dealing with some of the same issues season after season. As a leader, I couldn’t share with many what I was wrestling with.

I admit I was taught this was a sign of weakness. What it actually did was made me even more angry and frustrated. I would often feel misunderstood and unappreciated. I finally realized I could talk to God. My prayers were often about what I thought He wanted me to say and not what I needed to say. Especially things about me. Things like what I thought, what I felt and the way I really wanted things to be. I could be truly honest with Him. After all, He knows everything about us. He already knew the fire I would have to endure. He showed me, even though I carried emotional burdens along the way, the Father was only concerned about me making it through the narrow way.

Once I confessed to Him my grievances, He could fix the rest. He knew I was frustrated, angry and disappointed with Him. After all, who else is in control? The Father rules and reigns. He is in control of everything. It was I who needed to come to grips with this. I had to admit to Father I felt all of these things because of the way He ordained things to go in my life.

Once this was done and I repented for blaming Him. He was then able to teach me, show me and guide me to the next season with a transformed mind and a new understanding. I am not bound by my narrow, superficial and worldly understanding and thoughts any longer. Reading His Word with new vision helped me to see things the way He sees them.

He delivered me from the world’s system and religious way of being. Whenever I’m tempted to retreat back to familiar, I remind myself I can go to the Father with honesty so I can receive clarity. This way, frustration, anger and disappointment cannot bind me ever again. We as the body of Christ can support one another more if we all fight for one another and not judge. There are many in the body confused, bound and just surviving when God has called us “overcomers.”

It is time to for us all to live free lives on earth as it is in heaven and allow the Father to be our Father. Whatever you feel or are going through, God can fix it. {eoa}

Gina R. Prince is an apostle of the gospel of Jesus Christ. She has a podcast show called “The Keys Against the Enemy” on Connect with Gina on Instagram and Twitter @ginarprince as well as Facebook at “The Keys Against the Enemy.” Visit her website at

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