He Chose You

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Rod Parsley

He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame in him in love. —Ephesians 1:4

The devil likes to condemn us and keep us down by whispering in our ears, “Look at you trying to act as if you’re somebody when you know you’re nobody! You’ve come from nowhere, and you’re going nowhere.” The devil uses the same old tactics in every battle. He deceives, lies, accuses, and seeks to destroy us.

When he does, remember David faced similar attacks from the enemy. When Samuel came to visit David’s family, his father, Jesse, didn’t even call him from tending the sheep (1 Samuel 16:11). Samuel came to anoint a king, but no one in David’s family believed that he had the right stuff to be king. His brothers were older, wiser, taller, more handsome, and more experienced. Saul and his men laughed when David wanted to take on Goliath.

What David accomplished in his life for God had nothing to do with where he started and everything to do with the fact that God picked him out. Be not dismayed—regardless of your circumstances, God will take you out of wherever you are and bring you to wherever He wants you to be.

Lord, Your calling on my life is greater than any
man can believe. I cannot look to others for my
self-esteem or self-worth. So, Lord, I turn
to You. In You, I am royalty! Amen.


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