Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay. —Jeremiah 20:9
Jeremiah spoke these words when the opposition was at its height. Jeremiah lamented to the Lord for calling him into the ministry. The pressure seemed too great. But just when he thought life was over and he saw no hope, something sprung up within him.
Holy Spirit fire ignited his life when Jeremiah had burnt out and was unable to continue. When he had come to the end of himself, Jeremiah was ready to quit, but he could not. He was possessed with the Holy Spirit. The fire of God burned in him, and he had strength to go on.
Fill yourself with the Word and when you think you are ready to quit, don’t throw in the towel. Rest in God and watch as the Word begins to kindle in your heart, empowering you and refueling you just as you are running out of steam. When the devil is bearing down on you, the fire from heaven will rest upon your soul.
Lord, when I feel burnt out, light my
fire. Burn hot in my bones with Your
fiery compassion, love, and zeal. Let me
be Your light in a dark and dying world.