Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Face the Music (and Your Fears)

Face the Music

Myth: I’m Not a Strong Person

Truth: Just because you’re imperfect doesn’t mean you’re powerless. Even as Christians, we are all imperfect in many ways, but we are becoming stronger as we make right choices to continue growing in our relationships with God. The Bible says that when we are born into the kingdom of God, we are to be like babies who desire the sincere milk of the Word so that we can grow up in our salvation (see 1 Pet. 2:2).

Babies are weak and fragile and must be cared for diligently. Yet, with time babies grow and become more self-sufficient. As they drink milk and progress to solid food, they develop first into little children, then into active youth, and they finally become healthy adults.

To mature as a Christian, you need to learn how to get up from your “falls” and shake them off to get going again. The Bible teaches us to walk in repentance and to ask for God’s help in every situation. This learning process can’t be avoided; it’s integral to becoming a strong person.

As you dedicate your life to Christ daily, you’ll reap the reward of walking in His strength and growing into maturity as a godly believer. Don’t use the myth of “I’m not strong” to excuse your immature behavior. Determine to grow in Christ and become a strong person.

Myth: I Don’t Know What to Do

Truth: God promises to lead you into all truth by His Spirit (see John 16:13). When you get connected to the source of truth, which is the Holy Spirit, He will reveal to you all you need to know to live victoriously. The Spirit of God is here to reveal Jesus to you (v. 14), and the Bible teaches that Jesus has become our wisdom (see 1 Cor. 1:30).

Of course, if you live independently from God, this myth of “I don’t know what to do” becomes a reality. That’s when fear creates a stronghold in our lives. Many times when faced with fear, we retreat into ourselves. We try to figure everything out and save ourselves. We are not capable of knowing which way to go without the light of God shining on our pathway. It’s possible that the answer to your dilemma may not be inside you; it may come from an outside source.

I don’t know where your answer will be found, but I do know from experience and from the truth of God’s Word that there is always, always an answer. And God will always give it to you in time to resolve your most troubling situation. That assurance prompted the apostle Paul’s instructions: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6-7).

I challenge you to face the music—and the myths that are defeating your dreams. Confront your fears, acknowledge them and allow your faith in God to make you an overcomer. An overcoming life depends on deepening your relationship with God. Strengthening this divine relationship is the only way you can discover your destiny and be empowered to fulfill it. As you love and worship Him, you learn to live for the purposes of God for your life. And as you step out in faith, you’ll find a season of open doors, fulfilled dreams and divine miracles. 

Alvin Slaughter is an award-winning gospel musician, worship leader and inspirational speaker. He is also the author of two books, including his latest, Reinvent Your Life.

Listen to Charisma’s exclusive interview with Alvin Slaughter at

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