Do You Know?

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Rod Parsley

The spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. —Romans 8:16

Here is the gospel: Man is hopelessly, eternally lost. Left to his own devices, he will not only destroy himself, but everything and everyone around him. But on a cross hung a bleeding, dying Savior who said, “I am doing this for you.” We are saved through the shed blood of Jesus.

If you are saved, you will not have to ask the deacon or the preacher if you are saved, nor will you have to get a confirmation letter from your denomination to validate your salvation. You will know that you know, that you know, you are saved.

When you are saved, everything looks different. The birds sing louder and the sun shines brighter because you have been touched by God and you have been changed. The path of the righteous grows brighter and brighter!

Salvation is not a change in your social agenda. I didn’t make a decision when I was eight years old; I was saved! And I may have to go to hell and back before I leave this planet, but I have what it takes to make it all the way through! I’m saved and I know that I am. Do you?

Jesus, thank You for saving me. You are
my refuge and my righteousness. I know
You as my Redeemer through Your shed
blood. Thank You with all my heart
for saving me. Change, sanctify, and
renew me every moment in Your
presence. Amen.

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